◄ Squatness ►

Schmerz Slough of Despond abatement abridgment abstraction abulia aching heart agony agony of mind alienation alleviation alveolation alveolus anguish antrum anxiety anxiety equivalent anxiety state apathy armpit attenuation bad times bale basin bitterness blank despondency blaze bleakness bleeding heart blues boom bottoming out bowl broken heart business cycle business fluctuations bust catatonic stupor cavity cheerlessness cleft comfortlessness compulsion concave concavity contraction cooling off couchancy crater crena crisis crushing crypt cup cut dampening damping death wish debasement decrease decrement decrescence deduction deepening deflation dejectedness dejection dent depreciation depth of misery desolation despair despondency despondentness detachment digging diminishment diminution dimple dip discomfort discouragement disheartenment dismalness dispiritedness distress distressfulness down trip downcastness downer downheartedness downturn dreariness drilling drooping spirits dying dying off economic cycle economic expansion economic growth economic stagnation elation emotionalism euphoria evil day excavation expanding economy expansion extenuation extremity fade-out fold folie du doute follicle funnel chest gash gloom gloominess glumness grief grievousness growth hack hard times heartache heartlessness heavy heart heavy weather high growth rate hole hollow hollow shell hollowness hopelessness hypochondria hysteria hysterics impression incision incurvation incurvature incurvity indentation indifference infelicity insensibility jag jog joggle joylessness kerf lacuna lamentability lamentation languishment lessening lethargy letup low low spirits lowering lowness lowness of spirit lying lying down malaise mania market expansion melancholia melancholy mental distress miniaturization mining misery mitigation mournfulness nick nock notch obsession oppression pain painfulness pathological indecisiveness pathos peak peaking pessimism pit pitiability pitiableness pitifulness pocket poignancy preoccupation probing proneness prosperity prostration psychalgia psychomotor disturbance punch bowl rainy day recess recession reclining recovery recumbency reduction regrettableness relaxation sad times sadness sagging scaling down scoop score scotch self-destructive urge sharpness shell shortness simplicity sink sinkage sinking sinking heart sinus slowdown slump socket sorrowfulness spiritlessness squatness squattiness stormy weather stumpiness stupor subjacency subtraction suicidal despair supineness taedium vitae the blues tic trough tunneling twitching unhappiness unresponsiveness upturn vug weakening weariness of life


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