◄ Lethargy ►

1. (n.) Sluggishness; apathy; inactivity; drowsiness\; continued or profound sleep, from which a person can scarcely be awaked.

2. (n.) A state of inaction or indifference.

3. (v. t.) To lethargize.

abstraction abulia acedia alienation aloofness anxiety anxiety equivalent anxiety state apathy asininity ataraxia ataraxy benumbedness blah blahs blockishness boobishness boorishness boredom bovinity catalepsy catatonic stupor cloddishness coma comatoseness compulsion crassness crudeness dejection denseness density depression detachment dim-wittedness dimness disinterest dispassion disregard dolce far niente doltishness doziness drowsiness dull-wittedness dullardism dullness dumbness duncery elation emotionalism encephalitis lethargica enervation ennui euphoria exhaustion fatigue folie du doute grossness heartlessness heaviness hebetude heedlessness high hopelessness hypochondria hysteria hysterics idleness impassivity inactivity inanimation inanition inappetence indifference indolence inertia inertness insensibility insouciance jadedness lack of appetite lackadaisicalness languidness languishment languor languorousness lassitude laziness lenitude lentor lethargicalness lifelessness listlessness loutishness lumpishness mania melancholia mental distress narcohypnosis narcolepsy narcoma narcosis narcotic stupor narcotization ninnyism nod nonchalance numbness oafdom oafishness obsession obtuseness opacity oscitancy oscitation pandiculation passiveness passivity pathological indecisiveness phlegm phlegmaticalness phlegmaticness plucklessness preoccupation psychalgia psychomotor disturbance resignation resignedness satedness sedation shock simpletonianism sleep sleepiness sleeping sickness sloth slothfulness slowness sluggishness slumber somnolence somnolency sopor soporifousness sottishness spiritlessness spunklessness stolidity stretching stupefaction stupidity stupor supineness swoon thanatosis thick-headedness thick-wittedness tic tiredness torpidity torpidness torpitude torpor trance twitching unconcern unmindfulness unresponsiveness unteachability weakness weariness withdrawal withdrawnness world-weariness wrongheadedness yawning yokelism


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