◄ Anxiety ►

1. (n.) Concern or solicitude respecting some thing or event, future or uncertain, which disturbs the mind, and keeps it in a state of painful uneasiness.

2. (n.) Eager desire.

3. (n.) A state of restlessness and agitation, often with general indisposition and a distressing sense of oppression at the epigastrium.

abstraction abulia ache ado alacrity alienation all-overs angst anguish animation annoyance anxiety equivalent anxiety state anxiousness apathy appetite apprehension apprehensiveness avidity avidness besetment boredom bother breathless impatience can of worms catatonic stupor chafing cheerful readiness cheerlessness cliff-hanging compulsion concern concernment dejection depression desire detachment disadvantage discomfort discomposure discontent dislike displeasure disquiet disquietude dissatisfaction distress doubt dread dullness eagerness elan elation emotionalism emptiness ennui euphoria evil excitement existential woe expectant waiting flatness folie du doute foreboding forwardness fretfulness fretting great ado grimness gust gusto haste headache hypochondria hysteria hysterics impatience impatientness impetuousness inconvenience indifference inquietude insensibility joylessness keen desire keenness lack of pleasure lather lethargy life liveliness longing malaise mania matter melancholia mental distress misery misgiving mistrust nausea nervousness nongratification nonsatisfaction obsession painfulness panic pathological indecisiveness peck of troubles pessimism preoccupation problem promptness psychalgia psychomotor disturbance qualm qualmishness quickness readiness restiveness restlessness savorlessness sea of troubles solicitude spirit spleen staleness stew stupor suffering suspense sweat tastelessness tediousness tedium tense readiness thirst tic trouble twitching uncertainty uncomfortableness unease uneasiness unhappiness unpatientness unpleasure unquietness unresponsiveness unsatisfaction verve vexation of spirit vitality vivacity waiting withdrawal worry zest zestfulness


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