Dictionary 1. ( n.) To grow less, -- opposed to increase; to be diminished gradually, in size, degree, number, duration, etc., or in strength, quality, or excellence; as, they days decrease in length from June to December. 2. (v. t.) To cause to grow less; to diminish gradually; as, extravagance decreases one's means. 3. (n.) A becoming less; gradual diminution; decay; as, a decrease of revenue or of strength. 4. (n.) The wane of the moon.
Thesaurus abate abatement abbreviate abbreviation ablate ablation abrade abridge abstract allay alleviate apportion astriction astringency attrition bate be eaten away bottleneck calibrate calibrated cervix circumscribe circumscription clip close coarct coarctation compact compactedness compaction compress compression compressure concentrate concentration condensation condense consolidate consolidation constrict constriction constringe constringency consume consume away consumption contract contraction contracture corrode count cramp crumble curtail curtailment cut cut back cut down cutting damp dampen de-escalate de-escalation decline decrement deduct deflate deliquesce deplete depletion depreciate depreciation depress derogate derogation detract detraction die away differentiate diminish diminuendo diminution dip disparage disparagement dissipate dissipation dive divide downgrade drain draw draw in draw together dribble away drop drop off dwindle dwindling ease ease off ease up eat away ebb erode erosion evaporation exhaustion expenditure extract extraction fall fall away fall off falling off file away fix gradational grade gradual graduate graduated hierarchic hourglass hourglass figure impair impairment impoverishment increase isthmus knit knitting languish leach leakage lessen lessening let up lighten lower lowering measure melt away mitigate narrow narrow place narrowing neck number parcel pare peter out plummet plunge progressive pucker pucker up puckering purify purse pursing quantify quantize rate rebate recede reduce reduction refine regular remission remove retraction retrench retrenchment roll back rub away run low sag scalar scale down shade off shorten shortening shrink shrinkage shrinking shrivel up simplify sink slacken slackening solidification solidify squander step down strangle stranglement strangulate strangulation striction stricture subduct subside subsidence subtract systole tail off take away take from taper taper off thin thin out trim truncation tune down using using up wane wasp waist wastage waste waste away wear wear away wearing wearing away weed withdraw wrinkle wrinkling |