◄ Embroilment ►

(n.) The act of embroiling, or the condition of being embroiled; entanglement in a broil.

action ado aerial combat affray agitation altercation argument armored combat battle battle royal bicker bickering blood feud bluster bobbery boil boiling bother brawl broil brouhaha brush bullfight bustle cacophony chaos churn clash clash of arms cockfight combat commotion conflict contention controversy conturbation discomposure disorder dispute disquiet disquietude disturbance dogfight donnybrook donnybrook fair dustup ebullience ebullition eddy effervescence enmeshment exchange of blows excitement falling-out fanaticism feery-fary ferment fermentation feud fever feverishness fidgets fight fire fight flap fliting flurry fluster flutteration foment fomentation foofaraw fracas fray free-for-all frenzy fume furor furore fury fuss ground combat hand-to-hand combat hand-to-hand fight hassle helter-skelter house-to-house combat hubbub hurly-burly hurry hurry-scurry imbroglio inquietude involvement jitters jumpiness logomachy maelstrom malaise melee moil naval combat nerviness nervosity nervousness open quarrel pandemonium passage of arms passion pell-mell perturbation pitched battle polemic pother quarrel racket rage rampage restlessness riot roil rough-and-tumble roughhouse rout row ruckus ruction ruffle rumble rumpus running fight scramble scrimmage scuffle seethe seething sharp words shindy shoving match skirmish slanging match snarl spat squabble stand-up fight stir storminess street fight strife struggle swirl swirling tauromachy tempestuousness tiff to-do trepidation trepidity trouble tug-of-war tumult tumultuation tumultuousness turbidity turbulence turmoil tussle twitter unease unrest uproar upset vendetta vortex whirl wildness words wrangle yeastiness zeal zealousness


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