Dictionary 1. ( n.) A combination of kindred to avenge injuries or affronts, done or offered to any of their blood, on the offender and all his race. 2. (n.) A contention or quarrel; especially, an inveterate strife between families, clans, or parties; deadly hatred; contention satisfied only by bloodshed. 3. (n.) A stipendiary estate in land, held of superior, by service; the right which a vassal or tenant had to the lands or other immovable thing of his lord, to use the same and take the profits thereof hereditarily, rendering to his superior such duties and services as belong to military tenure, etc., the property of the soil always remaining in the lord or superior; a fief; a fee.
Thesaurus acrimony adverse possession alodium altercate altercation animosity animus antagonism argument avengement bad blood battle bicker bickering bitter feeling bitterness blood feud box brawl broil burgage claim clash close collide colony combat come to blows conflict contend contention contest controversy copyhold cut and thrust de facto de jure dependency derivative title differ disagree disagreement discord dispute dissension donnybrook donnybrook fair duel embroilment enmity equitable estate estate at sufferance estate for life estate for years estate in expectancy estate in fee estate in possession estate tail estrangement exchange blows fall out falling-out fee fee fief fee position fee simple fee simple absolute fee simple conditional fee simple defeasible fee simple determinable fee tail fence feod feodum feudal estate fief fiefdom fight fight a duel flite fliting fracas frankalmoign free socage freehold fuss gavelkind getting even give and take give satisfaction grapple grapple with grudge hard feelings hatred have words having title to hold holding hostility ill blood ill feeling ill will imbroglio join issue jostle joust knight service lay fee lease leasehold legal claim legal estate legal possession logomachy mandate mix it up occupancy occupation open quarrel original title owning paramount estate particular estate polemic possessing possession preoccupancy preoccupation prepossession prescription property property rights proprietary rights quarrel rancor rassle remainder reprisal retaliation revanche revanchism revenge reversion riot rivalry row run a tilt run-in scramble scuffle seisin set to sharp words skirmish slanging match snarl socage soreness sourness spar spat squabble squatting strife strive struggle sublease sweet revenge tenancy tenantry tenure tenure in chivalry thrust and parry tiff tilt title tourney tussle underlease undertenancy usucapion vendetta vengeance venom vested estate villein socage villeinhold villenage virulence vitriol wage war war words wrangle wrestle |