◄ Polemic ►

1. (a.) Of or pertaining to controversy; maintaining, or involving, controversy; controversial; disputative; as, a polemic discourse or essay; polemic theology.

2. (a.) Engaged in, or addicted to, polemics, or to controversy; disputations; as, a polemic writer.

3. (n.) One who writes in support of one opinion, doctrine, or system, in opposition to another; one skilled in polemics; a controversialist; a disputant.

4. (n.) A polemic argument or controversy.

Kilkenny cats Philadelphia lawyer altercation apologetics apologia apologist apology arguer argufier argument argumentation bicker bickering blood feud brawl broil casuist casuistry cat-and-dog life combat conflict contention contentiousness contest contestation controversialist controversy cut and thrust debate debater defense disceptator disputant disputation dispute donnybrook donnybrook fair embroilment enmity feud fight fighting fliting flyting fracas fuss guardhouse lawyer hassle hostility hubbub imbroglio litigation logomacher logomachist logomachy mooter open quarrel paper war passage of arms pilpulist polemicist polemics polemist quarrel quarreling quarrelsomeness rhubarb scrapping set-to sharp words slanging match snarl spat squabble squabbling strife struggle tiff tussle vendetta verbal engagement war war of words warfare words wrangle wrangler wrangling


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