◄ Fototronic ►

American Party Anti-Monopoly Party Bull Moose Party Bund Communist Party Composaline Conservative Party Constitutional Union Party Democratic Party Democratic-Republican Party Diatype Ditto Elrod Farmer-Labor Party Federalist Party Fotomatic Fotosetter Fototronic Free Soil Party Greenback Party Intertype Know-Nothing Party Labour Party Liberal Party Liberal Republican Party Liberty Party Linotype Monotype Multigraph National Republican Party Photon Populist Party Progressive Party Prohibition Party Republican Party Rochdale cooperative Socialist Labor Party Socialist Party Socialist Workers Party Tammany Hall Teletype Tory Party Whig Party Zip addressing machine alembic alliance anvil apparatus appliance assemblage association auto autocar automaton automobile axis band bloc boat body buggy bus cabal caldron camp car carve chisel city hall clique coalition college combination combine common market confederacy confederation consumer cooperative contraption contrivance convenience convert cooperative cooperative society corps council crate credit union crucible cultivate customs union device drive duplicator economic community engine enginery extract facility faction federation fixture free trade area gadget gang gizmo golem group grouping grow harvest heap hectograph implement instrument jalopy lathe league machinery major party make manufacture mechanical aid mechanical device mechanism mechanize melting pot mill mimeograph mine minor party mob mortar motive power motor motor vehicle motorcar motorize motorized vehicle multiple party system one-party system opposition party organization partnership party party in power phototypesetter political machine political party power plant power source prime mover process pump raise rear refine retool retort ring shape sharpen smelt society splinter party stock ticker system teleprinter teletypewriter test tube third party ticker tool transducer transformer tub two-party system typewriter union utensil utility vehicle voiture wheels wreck


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