Dictionary 1. ( n.) A return to an argument or a charge; a harsh reply\. n.) To bend or curve back; as, a retorted line.2. (n.) To throw back; to reverberate; to reflect. 3. (n.) To return, as an argument, accusation, censure, or incivility; as, to retort the charge of vanity. 4. (n.) The return of, or reply to, an argument, charge, censure, incivility, taunt, or witticism; a quick and witty or severe response. 5. (n.) A vessel in which substances are subjected to distillation or decomposition by heat. It is made of different forms and materials for different uses, as a bulb of glass with a curved beak to enter a receiver for general chemical operations, or a cylinder or semicylinder of cast iron for the manufacture of gas in gas works.
Thesaurus acknowledge acknowledgment aerosol alembic answer answer back answering antiphon anvil aphorism apothegm atomizer back answer back talk backchat backfire bon mot boomerang boutade bright idea bright thought brilliant idea caldron come back come back at come in comeback conceit counter counterattack counterblast counterblow countercharge counterfire counterinsurgency countermeasure counterrevolution counterstep counterstroke crack crucible defense echo engine epigram evaporator evasive reply exchange facetiae flash back flash of wit flight of wit gag get back at gibe give acknowledgment give and take give answer give in exchange give in return give-and-take happy thought hit back at interchange jape jest joke lathe machine melting pot mortar mot motor nasty crack persiflage play of wit pleasantry quip quips and cranks react reaction ready reply rebut rebuttal receipt reciprocate reciprocation recoil recrimination reecho rejoin rejoinder repartee replication reply repost reprisal rescript rescription respond respondence response responsion responsory retaliate retaliation return return answer return for answer revenge reverberate reverberation riposte sally say say in reply scintillation shoot back short answer smart crack smart saying snappy comeback spray still strike back stroke of wit talk back test tube transducer transformer turn of thought vaporizer wisecrack witticism witty reply witty retort yes-and-no answer |