Dictionary 1. ( n.) A melting pot for purifying metals; also a hardship that is a test and builder of character\, as in a melting pot composed of some very refractory substance, as clay, graphite, platinum, and used for melting and calcining substances which require a strong degree of heat, as metals, ores, etc. 2. (n.) A hollow place at the bottom of a furnace, to receive the melted metal. 3. (n.) A test of the most decisive kind; a severe trial; as, the crucible of affliction.
Thesaurus Bunsen burner Erlenmeyer flask Kipp generator acid test affliction agitator alembic anvil aspirator assay beaker beater blank determination blender blowpipe brouillon burette caldron calvary capillary tube cement mixer churn condenser criterion cross crucial test deflagrating spoon desiccator determination distiller docimasy eggbeater emulsifier engine essay etna feeling out first draft kiteflying lathe machine matrass melting pot mixer mortar motor ordeal pestle and mortar pipette precision balance probation proof reagent bottle receiver retort rough draft rough sketch sounding out standard still test test case test tube touchstone transducer transformer trial tribulation try verification visitation |