◄ Vehicle ►

1. (n.) That in or on which any person or thing is, or may be, carried, as a coach, carriage, wagon, cart, car, sleigh, bicycle, etc.; a means of conveyance; specifically, a means of conveyance upon land.

2. (n.) That which is used as the instrument of conveyance or communication; as, matter is the vehicle of energy.

3. (n.) A substance in which medicine is taken.

4. (n.) Any liquid with which a pigment is applied, including whatever gum, wax, or glutinous or adhesive substance is combined with it.

Charlie McCarthy Grand Guignol Passion play Tom show agency agent ancilla antimasque appliance audience success backing ballet bibliofilm bipack black-and-white film bomb broadcast drama burlesque show carrier cartridge channel charade chromogen cliff hanger closet drama coat coat of paint coating color color film color filter color gelatin color negative film colorant coloring comedy drama conduit contrivance conveyance creature critical success daytime serial dead-color device dialogue distemper documentary drama dope drama dramalogue dramatic play dramatic series drier dry plate dummy duodrama duologue dupe dye dyestuff emulsion epic theater experimental theater exterior paint extravaganza failure film flat coat flat wash floor enamel flop frame gasser giveaway go-between ground handmaid handmaiden happening hit hit show implement improvisational drama instrument instrumentality interagent interior paint intermediary intermediate intermedium legitimate drama lever masque mean means mechanism mediator medium melodrama microfilm midwife minion ministry minstrel show miracle miracle play monochromatic film monodrama monologue morality morality play motion-picture film music drama musical revue mystery mystery play negative opaque color opera organ orthochromatic film pack pageant paint panchromatic film panel show pantomime pastoral pastoral drama pawn photographic paper piece pigment plate play playlet plaything prime coat primer priming printing paper problem play psychodrama puppet quiz show radio drama review revue roll sensational play serial servant show sitcom situation comedy sketch skit slave soap soap opera sociodrama sound film sound track sound-on-film soundstripe spectacle stage play stage show stain stooge straight drama success suspense drama tableau tableau vivant talk show teleplay television drama television play tempera theater of cruelty thinner tinction tincture tool total theater toy transparent color transport transportation tripack turpentine turps undercoat undercoating variety show vaudeville vaudeville show wash wash coat word-of-mouth success work


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