Dictionary 1. ( n.) A person or item in a permanent position or location; as, the fixtures of a house\, that is, the articles which a tenant may not take away. 2. (n.) State of being fixed; fixedness. 3. (n.) Anything of an accessory character annexed to houses and lands, so as to constitute a part of them. This term is, however, quite frequently used in the peculiar sense of personal chattels annexed to lands and tenements, but removable by the person annexing them, or his personal representatives. In this latter sense, the same things may be fixtures under some circumstances, and not fixtures under others.
Thesaurus accession accessory accompaniment accouterments addenda addendum additament addition additive additory additum adjunct adjuvant annex annexation appanage apparatus appendage appendant appliance appliances appointments appurtenance appurtenances appurtenant armament attachment augment augmentation brassware chinaware clayware coda complement concomitant confirmation continuation contrivance convenience conveniences copperware corollary deep-rootedness deep-seatedness device dinnerware drive duffel durable goods durables earthenware embedment enamelware engine enginery entrenchment equipage equipment establishment event extension extrapolation facilities facility fitting fittings fixation fixedness fixity fixtures flatware furnishings furniture gadget gear glassware graniteware hard goods hardware hollow ware housefurnishings housewares impedimenta implantation increase increment infixion installations institution instrument inveteracy ironmongery ironware kit kitchenware machine machinery match materiel mechanical aid mechanical device mechanism meet meeting metalware motive power motor munition munitions occasion occurrence offshoot outfit ovenware paraphernalia pendant plant plumbing power plant power source reinforcement rig rigging side effect side issue silverware sporting goods stabilization stock-in-trade stoneware supplement tableware tackle tailpiece things tinware tool tools and machinery undergirding utensils utility white goods woodenware |