1. (n.) A small image in the human form; a doll.

2. (n.) A similar figure moved by the hand or by a wire in a mock drama; a marionette; a wooden actor in a play.

3. (n.) One controlled in his action by the will of another; a tool; -- so used in contempt.

4. (n.) The upright support for the bearing of the spindle in a lathe.

Charlie McCarthy Elzevir Federal adherent agate agent amanuensis ancilla apple-polisher appliance ass-licker baby backscratcher backslapper baggage agent ball baseball bat bat battledore bauble blocks bootlick bootlicker brown-nose brownie business agent bust carving checkerboard chessboard cipher claim agent clawback clerk club cockhorse commercial agent commission agent consignee contrivance courtier creature cricket bat cringer cue customer agent device disciple doll doll carriage dolly dud dummy duodecimo dupe factor fantoccini fawner fed federal agent figure figurehead figurine flatterer flunky follower footlicker freight agent front front man functionary general agent gewgaw gillie gimcrack gingerbread man go-between golf club goon groveler handmaid handmaiden handshaker hanger-on helot henchman hireling hobbyhorse hollow man implement instrument insurance agent interagent intermediary intermediate intermedium jack-in-the-box jackal jacks jackstones jackstraw jackstraws kickshaw knickknack kowtower lackey land agent law agent lay figure led captain lever lickspit lickspittle literary agent loan agent man man of straw manikin mannequin marble marionette mealymouth mechanism mediator medium microcosm midwife mig mini miniature minion minny model monument myrmidon nebbish news agent nobody nominal head nonentity nothing nullity official organ paper doll parliamentary agent passenger agent patsy pawn peon pick-up sticks pinwheel plaything portrait bust press agent purchasing agent pushover racket rag doll real estate agent rocking horse sales agent satellite scarecrow sculpture secretary serf servant slave snowman spaniel special agent sport station agent statuary statue statuette steelie steward stooge subminiature suck sucker sycophant taw teetotum theatrical agent thing of naught thug ticket agent timeserver toad toady tool top toy toy soldier travel agent trifle trinket truckler tufthunter twelvemo vehicle votary walking delegate wax figure waxwork whim-wham wood carving yes-man zero


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