1. (n.) A heavy staff of wood, usually tapering, and wielded the hand; a weapon; a cudgel.

2. (n.) Any card of the suit of cards having a figure like the trefoil or clover leaf. (pl.) The suit of cards having such figure.

3. (n.) An association of persons for the promotion of some common object, as literature, science, politics, good fellowship, etc.; esp. an association supported by equal assessments or contributions of the members.

4. (n.) A joint charge of expense, or any person's share of it; a contribution to a common fund.

5. (v. t.) To beat with a club.

6. (v. t.) To throw, or allow to fall, into confusion.

7. (v. t.) To unite, or contribute, for the accomplishment of a common end; as, to club exertions.

8. (v. t.) To raise, or defray, by a proportional assessment; as, to club the expense.

9. (v. i.) To form a club; to combine for the promotion of some common object; to unite.

10. (v. i.) To pay on equal or proportionate share of a common charge or expense; to pay for something by contribution.

11. (v. i.) To drift in a current with an anchor out.

Elizabethan theater Globe Theatre Greek theater affiliate agate alliance ally amphitheater arena theater associate association auditorium ball band together baseball bat baste bastinado bat baths baton battering ram battledore bauble be in cahoots beat belabor belt billy billy club birch blackjack blocks bludgeon brotherhood buffet bunch bunch up cabal cabaret cane casino cement a union centralize checkerboard chessboard circle theater club together clubhouse cockhorse combine come together company concert hall confederate confraternity confrerie consociate consortium conspire cooperate cosh country club couple cowhide cricket bat cudgel cue cut doll doll carriage drub federalize federate federation fellowship ferule flagellate flail flog fraternal order fraternity fustigate gambling house gang gang up gathering place gewgaw gimcrack give a whipping give the stick go in partners go in partnership golf club guild hall hangout haunt health resort hobbyhorse hook up with horsewhip house jack-in-the-box jacks jackstones jackstraws join forces join fortunes with join together join up with join with kickshaw knickknack knobkerrie knout lace lambaste lash lay on league life preserver little theater lodge mace marble marionette marry meeting place mig morning star music hall night spot nightclub nightstick opera opera house order organization organize outdoor theater paddle pair pair off pandybat paper doll partner pick-up sticks pinwheel pistol-whip playhouse plaything pommel pummel puppet purlieu quarterstaff racket rag doll rallying point ram rattan rawhide resort rocking horse rod ruler sandbag scourge secret society shillelagh showboat sisterhood smite society sodality sorority spa spank spontoon sport springs staff stamping ground stand together stand up with stave steelie stick strap stripe swinge switch taw team up team up with team with teetotum theater theater-in-the-round theatron thrash throw in with thump tie in with tie up with top toy toy soldier trinket trounce truncheon union unionize unite with wallop war club watering place wed whale whim-wham whip whop


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