1. (n.) One who transacts business for another; an agent; a substitute; especially, a mercantile agent who buys and sells goods and transacts business for others in commission; a commission merchant or consignee. He may be a home factor or a foreign factor. He may buy and sell in his own name, and he is entrusted with the possession and control of the goods; and in these respects he differs from a broker.

2. (n.) A steward or bailiff of an estate.

3. (n.) One of the elements or quantities which, when multiplied together, from a product.

4. (n.) One of the elements, circumstances, or influences which contribute to produce a result; a constituent.

5. (v. t.) To resolve (a quantity) into its factors.

Altmann theory DNA De Vries theory Federal Galtonian theory MC Mendelianism Mendelism RNA Verworn theory Weismann theory Weismannism Wiesner theory adjunct adjutant agency agent aid allele allelomorph amanuensis antecedent antecedents appraise appurtenance article aspect assess assignee assistant attorney backer baggage agent bailiff banker base basis birth business agent butler call case catalog categorize causation cause cause and effect character chromatid chromatin chromosome circumstance claim agent class classify clerk coadjutor commercial agent commission agent component consideration consignee constituent contents count croupier curator custodian customer agent datum deputy detail determinant determinative determiner diathesis dupe element emcee endowment etiology eugenics evaluate facet fact feature fed federal agent financier fixings freight agent functionary gauge gene general agent genesiology genetic code genetics go-between ground grounds group guardian helper hereditability heredity heritability heritage housekeeper identify implement inborn capacity incidental influence ingredient inheritability inheritance instance instrument instrumentality insurance agent integrant intermediary item land agent landreeve law agent lender librarian literary agent loan agent majordomo makings master of ceremonies matrocliny matter means middleman minor detail minutia minutiae moneylender news agent occasion official parliamentary agent part part and parcel particular passenger agent patrocliny pharmacogenetics piece point press agent principle proctor procurator proxy puppet purchasing agent real estate agent recessive character regard replication representative respect sales agent secretary seneschal sift sort sort out special agent specialty station agent steward stimulus theatrical agent thing thrash out ticket agent tool travel agent walking delegate weigh winnow


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