Dictionary 1. (n.) A showy trifle; a toy; a splendid plaything; a pretty but worthless bauble; a trinket\.2. (a.) Showy; unreal; pretentious. Thesaurus a continental a curse a damn a darn a hoot agate bagatelle ball baseball bat bat battledore bauble bean bibelot bijou bit blocks brass farthing bric-a-brac button cent checkerboard chessboard club cockhorse cricket bat cue curio doll doll carriage farce farthing feather fig fleabite folderol fribble frippery gaud gimcrack golf club hair halfpenny hill of beans hobbyhorse jack-in-the-box jacks jackstones jackstraws jest joke kickshaw knack knickknack knickknackery marble marionette mig minikin mockery molehill novelty paper doll peppercorn picayune pick-up sticks pin pinch of snuff pinprick pinwheel plaything puppet racket rag doll rap red cent rocking horse row of pins rush shit snap sneeshing sou sport steelie straw taw teetotum top toy toy soldier trifle trinket triviality tuppence two cents twopence vanity whatnot whim-wham |