1. (n.) A contemptuous name for a liveried servant or a footman.

2. (n.) One who is obsequious or cringing; a snob.

3. (n.) One easily deceived in buying stocks; an inexperienced and unwary jobber.

adherent appendage apple-polisher ass-licker attendant backscratcher backslapper blue-collar worker bootlick bootlicker breadwinner brown-nose brownie buff casual casual laborer cavaliere servente clawback cog common laborer commonality commonalty courtier creature cringer dangler day laborer dependent disciple dummy dupe employee factory worker fan fawner feudatory figurehead flatterer follower following footlicker footman free lance free-lancer full-time worker gillie goon groveler hand handshaker hanger-on helot henchman hoi polloi homager homme de cour industrial worker inferior instrument jackal jobber jobholder junior kowtower laborer laboring man lackey led captain lickspit lickspittle liege liege man lightweight liveried servant lower class lower orders man masses mealymouth menial migrant minion moiler myrmidon navvy office temporary parasite partisan pawn peon proletarian public puppet pursuer pursuivant retainer roustabout salaried worker satellite second fiddle secondary sectary self-employed person serf servant shadow slave spaniel stiff stooge subaltern subordinate successor suck supporter sycophant tagtail tail temporary third stringer thug timeserver toad toady toiler tool trainbearer truckler tufthunter underling understrapper vassal votary wage earner wage slave wageworker ward heeler worker workgirl workhand working girl workingman workingwoman workman yeoman yes-man


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