Dictionary 1. (n.) The construction of a sewer or sewers.2. (n.) The system of sewers in a city, town, etc.; the general drainage of a city or town by means of sewers. 3. (n.) The material collected in, and discharged by, sewers. Thesaurus balderdash baloney bilgewater blah blah-blah blain bleb blister blob bop bosh boss bow bubble bulb bulge bull bulla bullshit bump bunch bunk bunkum burl bushwa button cahot carrion chine clump condyle convex crap dishwater ditchwater dowel ear flange flap flapdoodle gall garbage gas gnarl guff gup handle hill hogwash hokum hooey hot air hump hunch jog joggle knob knot knur knurl lip loop lump malarkey mole moonshine mountain nevus nub nubbin nubble offal offscourings papilloma peg piffle poppycock refuse rib ridge riffraff ring rot rubbish scat scum scurf sewage sewerage shit shoulder slop slops slough spine stud style swill tab tommyrot trash tripe tubercle tubercule verruca vesicle wale wart welt wind |