Dictionary 1. (Sing. pres. ind.) of Mot.2. (pl.) of Mot. 3. (v.) May; must; might. 4. (n.) A word; hence, a motto; a device. 5. (n.) A pithy or witty saying; a witticism. 6. (n.) A note or brief strain on a bugle. Thesaurus adage ana analects aphorism apothegm axiom bon mot boutade bright idea bright thought brilliant idea byword catchword collected sayings conceit crack current saying dictate dictum distich epigram expression facetiae flash of wit flight of wit gibe gnome golden saying happy thought maxim moral motto nasty crack oracle persiflage phrase pithy saying play of wit pleasantry precept prescript proverb proverbial saying proverbs quip quips and cranks repartee retort riposte sally saw saying scintillation sentence sententious expression sloka smart crack smart saying snappy comeback stock saying stroke of wit sutra teaching text turn of thought verse wisdom wisdom literature wise saying wisecrack witticism word words of wisdom |