1. (n.) A brief expression, sometimes a single word, but usually two or more words forming an expression by themselves, or being a portion of a sentence; as, an adverbial phrase.

2. (n.) A short, pithy expression; especially, one which is often employed; a peculiar or idiomatic turn of speech; as, to err is human.

3. (n.) A mode or form of speech; the manner or style in which any one expresses himself; diction; expression.

4. (n.) A short clause or portion of a period.

5. (v. t.) To express in words, or in peculiar words; to call; to style.

6. (v. i.) To use proper or fine phrases.

7. (v. i.) To group notes into phrases; as, he phrases well. See Phrase, n., 4.

Parthian shot adage address adjectival phrase affirmation allegation ana anacrusis analects answer aphorism apostrophe apothegm article articulate assertion averment axiom back matter bass passage book bourdon breathe bridge burden byword cadence catchword chapter chestnut chime choice of words chorus clause cliche coda collected sayings collocation colloquialism column come out with comment commonplace communicate composition conceive convey couch couch in terms crack current saying declaration delineate deliver describe development dialect dictate diction dictum disclose distich division embody in words emit enunciate epigram exclamation exposition express expression fascicle figure fling off folderol folio formularize formulate formulation frame front matter gathering give give expression give expression to give out with give tongue give utterance give voice give words to glosseme gnome golden saying grammar greeting harmonic close icon idiom impart installment interjection interlude intermezzo introductory phrase language leitmotiv let out lexeme lexical form lip livraison locution manner of speaking maxim measure mention moral morpheme mot motif motive motto movement musical phrase musical sentence note noun phrase number observation oracle ornament out with page paragraph parlance part passage period phonate phraseology phrasing pithy saying platitude position pour forth precept prescript present pronounce pronouncement proverb proverbial saying proverbs put put forth put in words question raise reflection refrain remark resolution response rhetoric rhetorize ritornello saw say saying section semasiological unit sememe sentence sententious expression serial set forth set out sheet sign signature signifiant significant slogan sloka sound speech stanza state statement stock saying strain style subject subjoinder sutra symbol syntax tailpiece talk teaching tell term text theme thought throw off token tutti tutti passage type usage use of words usus loquendi utter utterance variation verb phrase verbalize verbiage verse vocabulary vocalize voice volume way of speaking whisper wisdom wisdom literature wise saying witticism word word-group wordage wording words of wisdom write


Phrasal Idiom
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