1. (n.) A sentence, phrase, or word, containing a short expression of a guiding principle; a maxim; as, a state motto\.

2. (n.) A sentence, phrase, or word, forming part of an heraldic achievement.

achievement adage alerion ana analects animal charge annulet aphorism apophthegm apothegm argent armorial bearings armory arms axiom azure bandeau banner banner head bar bar sinister baton battle cry bearings bend bend sinister billet blazon blazonry bordure broad arrow byword cadency mark canton caption catchword chaplet charge chevron chief coat of arms cockatrice collected sayings coronet crescent crest cross cross moline crown cry current saying device dictate dictum difference differencing distich drop head dropline eagle epigram epigraph epithet ermine ermines erminites erminois escutcheon expression falcon fess fess point field file flanch fleur-de-lis fret fur fusil garland gnome golden saying griffin guide gules gyron hanger hatchment head heading headline helmet heraldic device honor point impalement impaling inescutcheon inscription jump head label legend lion lozenge mantling marshaling martlet mascle maxim metal moral mot mullet nombril point octofoil or oracle ordinary orle overline pale paly pean pheon phrase pithy saying precept prescript principle proverb proverbial saying proverbs purpure quarter quartering rallying cry rose rubric rule running head running title sable saltire saw saying scarehead screamer scutcheon sentence sententious expression shibboleth shield slogan sloka spread spread eagle spreadhead stock saying streamer subhead subheading subordinary subtitle superscription sutra tag line teaching tenne text tincture title title page torse tressure unicorn vair verse vert war cry watchword wisdom wisdom literature wise saying witticism word words of wisdom wreath yale


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