◄ Proverb ►

1. (n.) A sentence which briefly and forcibly expresses some practical truth; a maxim; an adage\.

2. (n.) A striking or paradoxical assertion; an obscure saying; an enigma; a parable.

3. (n.) A familiar illustration; a subject of contemptuous reference.

4. (n.) A drama exemplifying a proverb.

5. (v. t.) To name in, or as, a proverb.

6. (v. t.) To provide with a proverb.

7. (v. i.) To write or utter proverbs.

adage ana analects aphorism apophthegm apothegm axiom bromide byword catchword cliche coin a phrase collected sayings commonplace current saying dictate dictum distich epigram expression gnome golden saying homily maxim moral mot motto oracle phrase pithy saying platitude precept prescript proverbial saying proverbs saw saying sentence sententious expression sloka stock saying sutra teaching text truism verse wisdom wisdom literature wise saying witticism word words of wisdom


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