1. (n.) A twist or loop in a rope or thread, caused by a spontaneous doubling or winding upon itself; a close loop or curl; a doubling in a cord.

2. (n.) An unreasonable notion; a crotchet; a whim; a caprice.

3. (v. i.) To wind into a kink; to knot or twist spontaneously upon itself, as a rope or thread.

4. (n.) A fit of coughing; also, a convulsive fit of laughter.

acute pain birthmark bite blackhead bleb blemish blister boring pain boutade brainstorm bug bulla capriccio caprice catch charley horse check cicatrix cicatrize cirrus coil comedo complication conceit corkscrew crack cramp cramps crank crater craze crazy idea crick crimp crinkle crisp crotchet curl curlicue darting pain deface defacement defect defection deficiency deform deformation deformity difficulty disfiguration disfigure disfigurement distort distortion drawback eccentricity evolute fad failing failure fancy fantastic notion fantasy fault faute flaw flimflam foible fool notion frailty freak freakish inspiration freckle fulgurant pain girdle pain gnawing griping gyre harebrained idea helix hemangioma hickey hitch hole humor idiosyncrasy imperfection inadequacy infirmity involute jumping pain keloid knot lancinating pain lentigo little problem maggot mar megrim milium mole needle scar nevus nip notion pang paroxysm passing fancy pimple pinch pit pock pockmark port-wine mark port-wine stain prick problem pustule quirk rift ringlet roll scab scar scarify scratch screw scroll sebaceous cyst seizure sharp pain shoot shooting shooting pain shortcoming snag something missing spasm spiral split stab stabbing pain stitch strawberry mark sty swirl taint tangle tendril thrill throes tormen toy track tweak twinge twirl twist twitch vagary verruca vesicle volute volution vortex vulnerable place wale warp wart weak link weak point weakness weal welt wen whim whim-wham whimsy whirl whitehead whorl wrench wrinkle


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