◄ Problem ►

1. (n.) A question proposed for solution; a matter stated for examination or proof; hence, a matter difficult of solution or settlement; a doubtful case; a question involving doubt.

2. (n.) Anything which is required to be done; as, in geometry, to bisect a line, to draw a perpendicular; or, in algebra, to find an unknown quantity.

Chinese puzzle ado aggravation annoyance anxiety bad news baffle bafflement baffling problem basis bedevilment besetment bewilderment blemish bone of contention bore bother botheration bothersomeness brain twister bug bugaboo bugbear burden can of worms case catch catechism chapter complication concern confoundment confusion conundrum count crack crashing bore cross-interrogatory cross-question crossword puzzle crux debating point defect defection deficiency delinquent demand devilment difficult difficulty dilemma disadvantage discomposure disconcert disconcertedness disconcertion disconcertment disturbance disturbed dogging downer drag drawback embarrassment enigma enigmatic question essence evil exasperation facer failing failure fault faute feeler fix flaw floorer focus of attention focus of interest foible frailty gist great ado harassment harrying head headache heading hole hounding illustration imbroglio imperfection inadequacy inconvenience incorrigible infirmity inquiry interrogation interrogative interrogatory intractable issue jam jigsaw puzzle kink knot knotty point leader leading question little problem living issue main point maladjusted matter matter in hand meat mess mind-boggler molestation moot point motif motive muddle mystery nonplus nuisance nut nut to crack obstreperous peck of troubles perplexed question perplexity persecution perturbation pest pickle plight point point at issue point in question poser pother predicament pretty pickle puzzle puzzlement puzzler quandary query question question at issue question mark quodlibet refractory riddle rift rubric scrape sea of troubles shortcoming sixty-four dollar question snag something missing stew sticker stumper subject subject matter subject of thought substance taint text theme topic tough proposition trial trial balloon trouble unassuredness uncontrollable ungovernable unmanageable unruly upset vexation vexatiousness vexed question vulnerable place weak link weak point weakness why worriment worry


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