Dictionary 1. (a.) Containing sand or grit; consisting of grit; caused by grit; full of hard particles.2. (a.) Spirited; resolute; unyielding. Thesaurus abrasive arenaceous arenarious arenose brave breccial brecciated bulldoggish coarse coarse-grained courageous craggy cross-grained crystal crystalline dauntless determined doughty fearless firm game gamy grained grainy granular granulate granulated gravelly gross gutsy gutty hardy intrepid lapideous lithoid lithoidal mettlesome monolithic nervy pebbled pebbly persistent pertinacious plucky porphyritic rasping red-blooded resolute rock-ribbed rock-strewn rock-studded rocklike rocky rough sabulous sandy shingled shingly spirited spiritful spunky stalwart staunch stonelike stony tenacious tough trachytic unrefined valorous |