Dictionary 1. (n.) One who sneaks.2. (n.) A vessel of drink. Thesaurus amble barge bowl along bundle clump contort corkscrew couch cower crawl creep cringe crinkle crouch drag flounce foot footslog go on tiptoe grovel gumshoe halt hippety-hop hitch hobble hop inch inch along intort jog jolt jump lay wait lie in wait limp lumber lunge lurch lurk meander mince nightwalk pace pad paddle peg piaffe piaffer plod prance prowl pussyfoot quail rack roll sashay saunter scallop scrabble scramble screw scuff scuffle scuttle serpentine shadow shamble shirk shuffle sidle single-foot skip skulk slide slither slog slouch snake sneak sneaker stagger stalk stamp steal steal along stomp straddle straggle stride stroll strut stump swagger swing swirl tippytoe tiptoe tittup toddle totter traipse trip trudge turn twine twirl twist twist and turn waddle wamble weasel whirl whorl wiggle wind wobble worm worm along wring |