1. (v.) 3d pers. sing. pres. of Hold, contraction for holdeth.

2. (n.) A stop in marching or walking, or in any action; arrest of progress.

3. (v. i.) To hold one's self from proceeding; to hold up; to cease progress; to stop for a longer or shorter period; to come to a stop; to stand still.

4. (v. i.) To stand in doubt whether to proceed, or what to do; to hesitate; to be uncertain.

5. (v. t.) To cause to cease marching; to stop; as, the general halted his troops for refreshment.

6. (a.) Halting or stopping in walking; lame.

7. (n.) The act of limping; lameness.

8. (v.) To walk lamely; to limp.

9. (v.) To have an irregular rhythm; to be defective.

abandon abort afterthought amble arrest arrestation bad barge belay bell bind blind alley block blockage bowl along box brake break breath breather breathing place breathing space breathing spell breathing time bring to bring up bring up short bundle bureaucratic delay calm calm down cancel castrated cease cease fire cessation check checkmate cigarette break close clump cocktail hour coffee break come up short conclude corner cower crippled cul-de-sac curb cut it out cut short cutoff dally dam dawdle dead end dead set dead stand dead stop dead-end street deadlock debarment delay delayage delayed reaction desist detention determent deterrence die down dillydally disabled discontinue discouragement dodder double take downtime drag dragging draw rein draw up drop it dwindle dying down ebb ebbing emasculated end endgame ending enforced respite estoppel extremity falter fetch up final whistle flag flounce foot footslog forbiddance foreclosure forestalling freeze full stop game give give over goof off grinding halt gun halting hamstrung handicapped hang fire hang-up happy hour haul up have done with haw hem hem and haw hesitate hindrance hippety-hop hitch hobble hobbling hold holdup hole hop hum hum and haw impasse incapacitated interim interlude intermission jam jog jolt jump knock it off lag lagging lame lay off leave off letup limp limping linger lock lockout logjam loiter lollygag lull lumber lunge lurch maimed mammer mince molder moratorium obstruction obviation pace pacify paddle paperasserie pause peg piaffe piaffer plod prance preclusion prevention prohibition pull up put paid to quiesce quiet quieten quit quiver rack recess red tape red-tapeism red-tapery refrain relinquish renounce reprieve respite rest retardance retardation roll sashay saunter scrub scuff scuffle scuttle shake shamble shilly-shally shuffle sidle single-foot sit-down strike skip slink slither slog slouch slow down slow-up slowdown slowness soothe spavined spell stagger stalemate stalk stall stammer stamp stand standoff standstill stay stay of execution stem stem the tide stick stillstand stomp stop stop cold stop dead stop short stoppage stopping straddle straggle stride


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