1. (n.) A pleasure boat; a vessel or boat of state, elegantly furnished and decorated.

2. (n.) A large, roomy boat for the conveyance of passengers or goods; as, a ship's barge; a charcoal barge.

3. (n.) A large boat used by flag officers.

4. (n.) A double-decked passenger or freight vessel, towed by a steamboat.

5. (n.) A large omnibus used for excursions.

amble boat bowl along bundle bus cart clump coach drag dray ferry float flounce foot footslog halt haul hippety-hop hitch hobble hop jog jolt jump lighter limp lumber lunge lurch mince pace paddle peg piaffe piaffer plod prance rack raft roll sashay saunter scuff scuffle scuttle shamble ship shuffle sidle single-foot skip sled sledge slink slither slog slouch stagger stalk stamp stomp straddle straggle stride stroll strut stumble stump swagger swing tittup toddle totter traipse trip truck trudge van waddle wagon wamble wheelbarrow wiggle wobble


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