Dictionary 1. (v. i.) To heave; to be disturbed by nausea; -- said of the stomach.2. (v. i.) To move irregularly to and fro; to roll. 3. (n.) Disturbance of the stomach; a feeling of nausea. Thesaurus amble barge bowl along bundle circle circulate circumrotate circumvolute clump crank drag flounce foot footslog go around go round gyrate gyre halt hippety-hop hitch hobble hop jog jolt jump limp lumber lunge lurch mince pace paddle peg piaffe piaffer pirouette pivot plod prance rack revolve roll rotate round sashay saunter screw scuff scuffle scuttle shamble shuffle sidle single-foot skip slink slither slog slouch spin stagger stalk stamp stomp straddle straggle stride stroll strut stump swagger swing swivel tittup toddle totter traipse trip trudge turn turn a pirouette turn around turn round twist waddle wheel wiggle wind wobble |