◄ Appendage ►

1. (n.) Something appended to, or accompanying, a principal or greater thing, though not necessary to it, as a portico to a house.

2. (n.) A subordinate or subsidiary part or organ; an external organ or limb, esp. of the articulates.

accession accessories accessory accident accidental accompaniment addenda addendum additament addition additive additory additum adherent adjunct adjuvant annex annexation appanage appanages appendages appendant appendix appointments appurtenance appurtenances appurtenant arm attachment attendant augment augmentation auxiliary belongings bough branch buff cavaliere servente choses choses in action choses in possession choses local choses transitory coda collateral complement concomitant contingency contingent continuation corollary courtier dangler dependent disciple extension extra extrapolation fan fixture flunky follower following hand hanger-on happenstance heeler henchman homme de cour imp incidental increase increment inessential joint leg limb link lobe lobule man material things member mere chance movables nonessential not-self offshoot organ other paraphernalia parasite partisan pendant perquisites personal effects pinion public pursuer pursuivant ramification reinforcement retainer runner satellite scion secondary sectary servant shadow side effect side issue spray sprig spur stooge subsidiary successor superaddition supplement supporter switch tagtail tail tailpiece tendril things trainbearer trappings twig undergirding unessential votary ward heeler wing


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