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Boeotian Chinese boxer Milquetoast a nobody a nothing baby bantam bantamweight banty big baby black belt block boxer breakable brittle brown belt bruiser button catchweight cheap-jack chicken chit cipher clod cobwebby cog common man commonality commonalty creature crumbly crybaby dainty delicate delicately weak diminutive dimwit dolt donkey doormat dope dull tool dullard dumb cluck dumbbell dummy dunce effeminate featherweight fighter figurehead fingerling fisticuffer flimsy flunky flyweight follower forceless fragile frail frangible gimcrack gimcracky gossamery gowk gutless wonder heavyweight hoi polloi imponderous impotent ineffective ineffectual inefficacious inferior insignificancy invertebrate jackstraw jellyfish jerry jerry-built jobbernowl junior karate expert lackwit lamebrain light light heavyweight little fellow little guy looby loon lower class lower orders man of straw masses mediocrity meek soul middleweight milksop mini minikin minnow minny mollycoddle mouse namby-pamby nebbish niais nincompoop ninny ninnyhammer nitwit no-account nobody one knows noddy nonentity nubbin obscurity of no account palooka pansy pantywaist papery pasteboardy pawn peewee pip-squeak pony powerless prizefighter pug pugilist punk puny pushover put runt sad sack savate expert scrub second fiddle secondary shattery shrimp sissified sissy sleazy slight slip small fry small potato small potatoes snip snippet softling softy sop sparrer squirt squit stupid subaltern subordinate tacky thickwit third stringer tit unauthoritative underling understrapper underweight unheavy unsubstantial wart weak weak sister weakling weightless welterweight whiffet whippersnapper wisp wispy without any weight witling womanish yes-man


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