◄ Temporary ►

(a.) Lasting for a time only; existing or continuing for a limited time; not permanent; as, the patient has obtained temporary relief.

acting ad hoc ad interim alternate alternative backup band-aid blue-collar worker breadwinner brittle capricious casual casual laborer changeable common laborer corruptible counterfeit dangerous day laborer deciduous desultory dummy dying employee ephemeral equivalent ersatz evanescent factory worker fading fake fickle fleeting flitting flunky fly-by-night flying fragile frail free lance free-lancer fugacious fugitive full-time worker hand hazardous imitation impermanent impetuous improvisational improvised impulsive inconstant industrial worker infirm insecure insubstantial interim jackleg jobber jobholder jury-rigged laborer laboring man make-do makeshift makeshifty menial migrant mock moiler momentary mortal mutable navvy nondurable nonpermanent office temporary passing perilous perishable phony pinch precarious pro tem pro tempore proletarian provisional provisory proxy reserve risky roustabout salaried worker secondary self-employed person servant shaky shifting shifty short-lived slippery spare stiff stopgap substitute supply temporal tentative ticklish toiler token transient transitive transitory treacherous undependable undurable unenduring unfaithworthy unreliable unsolid unsound unstable unsteadfast unsteady unsubstantial unsure untrustworthy utility vicarious volatile wage earner wage slave wageworker worker workgirl workhand working girl workingman workingwoman workman


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