1. (n.) One who, or that which, gives food or supplies nourishment; steward.

2. (n.) One who furnishes incentives; an encourager.

3. (n.) One who eats or feeds; specifically, an animal to be fed or fattened.

4. (n.) One who fattens cattle for slaughter.

5. (n.) A stream that flows into another body of water; a tributary; specifically (Hydraulic Engine.), a water course which supplies a canal or reservoir by gravitation or natural flow.

6. (n.) A branch railroad, stage line, or the like; a side line which increases the business of the main line.

7. (n.) A small lateral lode falling into the main lode or mineral vein.

8. (n.) A strong discharge of gas from a fissure; a blower.

9. (n.) An auxiliary part of a machine which supplies or leads along the material operated upon.

10. (n.) A device for supplying steam boilers with water as needed.

Brillat-Savarin L Lucullus Roscius actor actress affluent antagonist antihero bad guy barnstormer bayou billabong bit bit part board-and-roomer boarder bon vivant branch cable railway cannibal carnivore cast character character actor character man character woman child actor cog railway confluent confluent stream connoisseur of food consumer cue dendritic drainage pattern diner diner-out diseur diseuse dramatizer eater eater-out effluent el electric railway elevated elevated railway embankment epicure fat part feeder line flesh-eater foil fork fruitarian gastronome glutton gourmand gourmet grain-eater graminivore granivore gravity-operated railway heavy herbivore hero heroine high liver histrio histrion horse railway hungry mouth ingenue junction juvenile lactovegetarian lead lead role leading lady leading man leading woman light railroad line lines luncher main line man-eater matinee idol meat-eater metro mime mimer mimic monologist monorail mouth mummer omnivore omophagist pantomime pantomimist pantophagist part person personage phytophage picnicker piece plant-eater playactor player predacean prong protagonist protean actor rack railway rack-and-pinion railway rail rail line railroad railway reciter roadbed roadway role side sidetrack siding soubrette stage performer stage player stooge straight man straight part street railway streetcar line stroller strolling player subway supporting character supporting role switchback terminal terminus theatrical thespian title role track tram tramline trencherman trestle tributary trolley line trouper trunk trunk line tube turnout underground utility man vegetarian villain walk-on walking part


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