1. (
n.) L is the twelfth letter of the English alphabet, and a vocal consonant. It is usually called a semivowel or liquid. Its form and value are from the Greek, through the Latin, the form of the Greek letter being from the Phoenician, and the ultimate origin prob. Egyptian. Etymologically, it is most closely related to r and u; as in pilgrim, peregrine, couch (fr. collocare), aubura (fr. LL. alburnus).
2. (n.) As a numeral, L stands for fifty in the English, as in the Latin language.
3. (n.) An extension at right angles to the length of a main building, giving to the ground plan a form resembling the letter L; sometimes less properly applied to a narrower, or lower, extension in the direction of the length of the main building; a wing.
4. (n.) A short right-angled pipe fitting, used in connecting two pipes at right angles.
R Sexagesima acting area addition angle annex apex apron apron stage backstage band shell bandstand bend bifurcation bight board boxcar boxcars branch bridge cable railway cant chevron cog railway coin corner coulisse crank crook crotchet deflection dock dogleg dozen dressing room duodecimo eighty el elbow electric railway elevated elevated railway eleven ell embankment extension feeder feeder line fifteen fifty five and twenty flies fly floor fly gallery forestage fork fortnight forty four and twenty fourscore fourscore and ten fourteen furcation gravity-operated railway greenroom grid gridiron half a hundred hook horse railway inflection junction knee light railroad lightboard line long dozen main line metro monorail ninety nonagenarian nook octogenarian orchestra orchestra pit performing area pit point proscenium proscenium stage quindecennial quindecim quindecima quindene quoin rack railway rack-and-pinion railway rail rail line railroad railway roadbed roadway score septuagenarian seventy sexagenarian sexagenary sexagesimo-quarto shell sidetrack siding sixteen sixteenmo sixty sixty-four sixty-fourmo stage stage left stage right street railway streetcar line subway swerve switchback switchboard teens terminal terminus the boards thirteen thirty-two thirty-twomo threescore threescore and ten track tram tramline trestle trolley line trunk trunk line tube turnout twelve twelvemo twenty twenty-five twenty-four twenty-fourmo two dozen two weeks twoscore underground veer vertex wing wings zag zig zigzag