1. (n.) A shoot or secondary stem growing from the main stem, or from a principal limb or bough of a tree or other plant.

2. (n.) Any division extending like a branch; any arm or part connected with the main body of thing; ramification; as, the branch of an antler; the branch of a chandelier; a branch of a river; a branch of a railway.

3. (n.) Any member or part of a body or system; a distinct article; a section or subdivision; a department.

4. (n.) One of the portions of a curve that extends outwards to an indefinitely great distance; as, the branches of an hyperbola.

5. (n.) A line of family descent, in distinction from some other line or lines from the same stock; any descendant in such a line; as, the English branch of a family.

6. (n.) A warrant or commission given to a pilot, authorizing him to pilot vessels in certain waters.

7. (a.) Diverging from, or tributary to, a main stock, line, way, theme, etc.; as, a branch vein; a branch road or line; a branch topic; a branch store.

8. (v. i.) To shoot or spread in branches; to separate into branches; to ramify.

9. (v. i.) To divide into separate parts or subdivision.

10. (v. t.) To divide as into branches; to make subordinate division in.

11. (v. t.) To adorn with needlework representing branches, flowers, or twigs.

L V adolescent stream affiliate affiliation affluent angle angle off apparentation appendage arm arroyo bayou bear off beck bend bifurcate billabong bine biotype birth bisect blood bloodline body booking office bough bourn box office bracket braided stream branch off branch office branch out branchedness branchiness breed brook brooklet burgeon burn by two cabinet cable railway caste category chambers chancellery chancery change the bearing channel chapter church clan class cleave closet cog railway common ancestry communion community confluent confluent stream consanguinity consulate corporate headquarters crank creek crick crook crotch crutch curve cut in two deadwood delta den dendritic drainage pattern denomination depart from department deploy derivation descent detour deviate dichotomize digress dimidiate direct line disperse distaff side divagate divaricate diverge diversify divide division effluent el elbow electric railway elevated elevated railway embankment embassy estate executive office expand extend extraction faction family fan fan out feeder feeder line fellowship female line filiation fission flagellum flare flowing stream fluviation fork fresh freshet frond furcate furcula furculum genotype genus gill grade gravity-operated railway groin group grouping halve hand head heading headquarters heel home office hook horse railway house imp in half inguen joint junction kill kin kingdom label lazy stream leg legation level light railroad limb line line of descent lineage link lobe lobule local lodge main line main office male line meandering stream member metro midchannel midstream millstream monorail moving road navigable river office offset offshoot open open up order organ organization outspread outstretch overgrow overrun part party persuasion phylum pigeonhole pinion position post predicament prong race racing stream rack railway rack-and-pinion railway rail rail line railroad railway ramage ramification ramify rank rating religious order river rivulet roadbed roadway rubric run rundle runlet runnel runner sarment schism school scion sect sectarism section seed segment sept series service set sheer shift shoot shop side sidetrack siding sike slip society


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