Dictionary 1. ( n.) Telling a story without words; sign language\; a universal mimic; an actor who assumes many parts; also, any actor. 2. (n.) One who acts his part by gesticulation or dumb show only, without speaking; a pantomimist. 3. (n.) A dramatic representation by actors who use only dumb show; hence, dumb show, generally. 4. (n.) A dramatic and spectacular entertainment of which dumb acting as well as burlesque dialogue, music, and dancing by Clown, Harlequin, etc., are features. 5. (a.) Representing only in mute actions; pantomimic; as, a pantomime dance.
Thesaurus Grand Guignol Passion play Roscius Tom show act act a part act as act as foil act out acting actor actress antagonist antimasque ape aping appear audience success bad guy ballet barnstorm barnstormer bearing beck beckon body language bomb broadcast drama burlesque show carriage character character actor character man character woman characterization charade child actor chironomy cliff hanger closet drama come out comedy drama copy critical success dactylology daytime serial deaf-and-dumb alphabet dialogue diseur diseuse do documentary drama drama dramalogue dramatic play dramatic series dramatizer dumb show duodrama duologue embodiment emote emotionalize enact enacting enactment epic theater experimental theater extravaganza failure feeder flop foil gasser gesticulate gesticulation gesture gesture language get top billing giveaway hand signal happening heavy histrio histrion hit hit show imitation impersonate impersonation improvisational drama incarnation ingenue juvenile kinesics legitimate drama masque masquerade masquerade as matinee idol melodrama mime mimer mimesis mimic mimicking mimicry miming minstrel show miracle miracle play monodrama monologist monologue morality morality play motion motion to movement mummer music drama musical revue mystery mystery play opera pageant panel show pantomiming pantomimist pass for pastoral pastoral drama patter perform performance performing personate personation personification piece play play a part play the lead playact playactor player playing playlet poise portrayal pose pose as posing posture pretend to be problem play protean actor psychodrama quiz show radio drama reciter register review revue saw the air sensational play serial show shrug shrug the shoulders sign language sitcom situation comedy sketch skit soap soap opera sociodrama soubrette spectacle stage performer stage play stage player stage show stance star steal the show stooge straight drama straight man stroller strolling player success suspense drama tableau tableau vivant take off talk show teleplay television drama television play theater of cruelty theatrical thespian total theater tread the boards troupe trouper upstage utility man variety show vaudeville vaudeville show vehicle villain wave the arms word-of-mouth success work |