Transcriber’s notes: Minor punctuation errors have been corrected silently (e.g. missing full stops after abbreviated words such as Fig), as have the following misspellings: Bretahing → Breathing, Pedicillaria → Pedicellaria, Pedicelaria → Pedicellaria, Choetonotus → ChÆtonotus, Spurganium → Sparganium, veiw → view. Unorthodox spelling and inconsistent hyphenation has not been altered. Several wrongly numbered cross-references to Plates and Figures have been corrected. Plate VIII (and its accompanying key) was originally displayed at the beginning of the book, before the Title Page, but has been repositioned in the body of the text in correct numerical sequence. A black underline indicates a hyperlink to a page or illustration (hyperlinks are also highlighted when the mouse pointer hovers over them). Page numbers are shown in the right margin. The cover image of the book was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. COMMON OBJECTS OF |