CHAPTER I | | PAGE | Pleasures and Uses of Microscopy—Development of the Microscope—Extemporised Apparatus | | CHAPTER II | Elementary Principles of Optics—Simple Microscopes—Compound Microscope—Accessory Apparatus—Cover-glasses—Troughs— Condensers—Dissection—Dipping-tubes—Drawing—Measurement | | CHAPTER III | Examination of Objects—Principles of Illumination—Mirror and its Action—Substage Condenser—Use of Bull’s-eye—Opaque Objects—Photography of Microscopic Objects | | CHAPTER IV | Vegetable Cells and their Structure—Stellate Tissues—Secondary Deposit—Ducts and Vessels—Wood-Cells—Stomata, or Mouths of Plants—The Camera Lucida, and Mode of Using—Spiral and Ringed Vessels—Hairs of Plants—Resins, Scents, and Oils—Bark Cells | | CHAPTER V | Starch, its Growth and Properties—Surface Cells of Petals—Pollen and its Functions—Seeds | | CHAPTER VI | AlgÆ and their Growth—DesmidiaceÆ, where found—Diatoms, their Flinty Deposit—Volvox—Mould, Blight, and Mildew—Mosses and Ferns—Mare’s-Tail and the Spores—Common Sea-weeds and their Growth | | CHAPTER VII | AntennÆ, their Structure and Use—Eyes, Compound and Simple—Breathing Organs—Jaws and their Appendages—Legs, Feet, and Suckers—Digestive Organs—Wings, Scales, and Hairs—Eggs of Insects—Hair, Wool, Linen, Silk, and Cotton—Scales of Fish—Feathers—Skin and its Structure—Epithelium—Nails, Bone, and Teeth—Blood Corpuscles and Circulation—Elastic Tissues—Muscle and Nerve | | CHAPTER VIII | Pond-Life—Apparatus and Instructions for Collecting Objects—Methods of Examination—Sponge—Infusoria | | CHAPTER IX | Fresh-water Worms—Planarians—Hydra—Polyzoa—Rotifers ChÆtonotus—Water-Bears | | CHAPTER X | Marine Life—Sponges—Infusoria—Foraminifera—Radiolaria—Hydroid Zoophytes—Polyzoa—Worms—Lingual Ribbons and Gills of Mollusca— Star-Fishes and Sea-Urchins—Cuttle-Fish—Corallines—Miscellaneous Objects | | CHAPTER XI | Hints on the Preparation of Objects—Preservative Fluids—Mounting Media—Treatment of Special Objects | | CHAPTER XII | Section-Cutting—Staining | |