
Fresh-water Worms—Planarians—Hydra—Polyzoa—Rotifers—ChÆtonotus—Water-Bears.

The fresh-water worms form a large and well-defined group, and a few words regarding them may be useful.

They are very common, and very difficult to find information about, most of the work relating to them having been done in Germany. At the same time, they are so highly organised and so transparent that the process of their life-history may be easily followed.

One large group has the peculiarity of multiplying by division, the last joints or segments being devoted to the formation of the new individual. At one time of the year the ordinary sexual process of reproduction takes the place of this method, and each worm is then surrounded by a belt such as may be seen in the common earthworm under similar conditions. Further information on this subject is greatly needed.

The type is the common NaÏs, which has a body of thirty segments or more, two eye-specks on the head, and a double row of bristles along the back; whilst below, each segment carries strong hooked bristles, nearly buried in the body, by means of which the worm crawls. Inside the mouth is a large proboscis, which can be protruded, and this leads into a stomach which is merely an enlargement of the intestine which succeeds it. The circulation of the blood (which is colourless) can be easily watched. It begins at the tail with a contraction of the dorsal vessel, passes up to the head, and then down below the intestine to the tail again. The intestine is ciliated inside, and it is by a current of water carried into the intestine by these cilia that the blood is aËrated.

In the next genus, Dero, this is clearly seen, for the tail (PlateXIV. Fig.1) is opened out into a wide shield, from which rise four, six, or even eight finger-like processes. These parts are all ciliated, and contain a network of blood-vessels. The worm lives in a case which it builds in the mud, and the way to find it is to put some of the mud into a glass beaker with water, and allow it to stand. If there be members of this family in it, their tails will be seen protruding above the water. Pour out the mud sharply, fill up with water, and allow the dirt to subside, and the worms may then be made to leave their cases by pressure by a camel hair pencil on the lower end of the tube, and may be caught with the dipping tube and placed in the live-box. They have no eyes, otherwise the general outline of the body closely resembles that of NaÏs.

SlavÍna (Fig.2) has a row of touch-organs, like pimples, round each segment, and is a dirty looking creature, with an inordinately long first pair of bristles, but this reaches its acme in Pristina (Fig.3) (sometimes, though wrongly, called Stylaria) parasita, which has three long sets of bristles upon the back, and keeps these in constant wing-like motion. The true Stylaria has a long trunk, set right in the head, and tubular (Fig.6); it grows to a considerable length, and when in the stage of fission it is very funny to see the two proboscides waving about, one on the middle, as well as the original one at the head. There is also a form with a shorter proboscis of the same kind.

Bohemilla has a tremendous array of saw-like bristles upon the back, whilst ChÆtogaster has none at all in this position, and few below. Æolosoma has merely tufts of hair instead of bristles, and swims freely. It is easily recognised by the red, yellow, or green pigment spots in its skin, and by the ciliated head. Rarest of all the family is the one which connects it with the ordinary Tubifex, the red worm which lives in masses in the mud of brooks and ponds, the waving tails protruding above the water, and being instantly withdrawn when a foot is stamped upon the bank. Their Naid cousin is Naidium, and has red blood, but multiplies by fission, which Tubifex does not.

Another group of worms is the Planarians, small leech-like worms, black, white, or brown, which are rarely absent from a gathering. The would-be investigator will find in them an abundant field for work, as they are but very imperfectly known or studied.

The great enemy of all these worms is the Hydra, a good idea of which may be formed from PlateIX. Fig.13. There are three species, all of which are fairly common. They capture their prey in exactly the same way as sea-anemones and the marine hydroid forms, so numerous and varied.

Nor must we omit to notice the exquisitely beautiful Polyzoa, such as Lophopus (PlateXIV. Fig.4), with its ciliated tentacles and transparent social home; Fredericella (Fig.5), with its graceful stems, and their still more graceful inhabitants; and the wonderful Cristatella, whose colonies form bodies which crawl over the stems of water plants. But for grace, beauty, and variety, the Rotifers assuredly outshine all their fellow inhabitants of our ponds and streams.

We can only take a few types, and of all these the most common is the common Rotifer (PlateIX. Fig.10). It is there shown in the act of swimming, but it can withdraw its “wheels” and creep like a leech, protruding its foot as it does so. It is distinguished by the two eye-spots on the proboscis from Philodina, in which they are on the breast, and Callidina, which has none. When at ease in its mind, the animal protrudes its wheels, and by their action draws in particles of food, these passing down to the incessantly moving jaws, which act like a mill and crush the food before it passes on to be digested. The movement of the jaws may even be seen in the young Rotifer whilst still in the egg within the body of the parent, and as the egg reaches its full development other eggs again are visible within it, so that we may have three generations in one individual. The males of most of the Rotifera are unknown. Those that are known are very lowly organised, having only the ciliary wreath and the reproductive organs, and are only found at certain seasons of the year. For the remainder of the time parthenogenesis is the rule, just as among the Aphides. We select a few individuals for illustration as types. Those who wish to pursue this study further must be referred to the monumental work of Hudson and Gosse.

The common Rotifer, already referred to, may be taken as the type of the Bdelloida, or leech-like class, so called from their mode of “looping” themselves along. The group is a comparatively small one in comparison with the next, the PloÏma, or free-swimmers. We can only select from the vast variety a few species, first of those classed as illoricated, from their being without a lorÍca, or case, and then of the loricated, which possess it. A very large and common form is HydÁtina (PlateXIV. Fig.7), which lives by choice in the reddish pools of water found often by the roadside. It shows the whole organisation of the class magnificently; the ciliary wreath on the head, with the striped muscles which draw the latter back, the powerful jaws, the digestive canal with its crop and intestine, the ovary with the developing eggs, the water-vascular system with the curious vibratile tags, and finally, the cloaca, which receives the waste of the body and expels it at intervals.

Another form, also common, especially in clear water, is SynchÆta (Fig.8), very much like a kite or peg-top in shape, which has the power of attaching itself by a glutinous thread, and spinning round at a tremendous rate. Then there is the gigantic Asplanchna (Fig.9), which has no opening below, so that the waste must be discharged by the mouth; and curious Sacculus, which gorges itself with chlorophyll until it looks like a green bag with a string round it, but clear and sparkling. Of the NotommatÆ there is a whole host, but we can only mention the beautiful N. Aurita (Fig.10), with an eye of a beautiful violet colour, composed of several spherules massed together, and two curious ear-like processes on the head, from which it takes its name. Some of the PloÏma have powers of leaping which must be noticed. The Triarthra (Fig.11) has three arms, or what we may call such, which it can stretch out suddenly and leap to a considerable distance, whilst in Polyarthra the arms become a whole cluster of broad saw-like bristles.

We pass on to note a few species of the mail-clad or loricated Rotifers, chief among which the great Euchlanis (Fig.12), a noble-looking fellow, calls for our attention, his great size rendering him easily visible to the naked eye. It is difficult to avoid using the masculine gender, but, of course, all those figured and described are of the gentler sex. Salpina, too (Fig.14), with its box-like lorica, armed with spines at each of the upper angles, and having three below, is quite easily recognised, and very common. Brachionus (Fig.13) has a shield-shaped case, well furnished with spines, symmetrically arranged at the top, and an opening below for the flexible wrinkled tail, like the trunk of an elephant. Pterodina (Fig.15) has a similar tail, but a round case, and the head is much more like that of the common Rotifer when extended. AnurÆa (Fig.16), on the other hand, has no tail, and its case is shaped like a butcher’s tray, with a handle at each corner. Dinocharis (Fig.17) has a roof-like case, with long spines on the root of the tail, and a forked stiff foot. Noteus (Fig.18) is much like Pterodina, except in its foot, which more nearly resembles that of Dinocharis.

The list might be indefinitely extended, but sufficient has probably been said to enable the tyro to find his bearings in this large, beautiful, and interesting class.

We pass on to notice in conclusion two or three of the fixed forms, of which a beautiful example is the Melicerta ringens (PlateIX. Fig.7), whose building operations have a never-ending charm. Particles of dÉbris are accumulated in a curious little cavity in the chin, in which they are whirled round, and mixed with a secretion which binds them together, and when a brick is made the head is bent down and the brick applied to the desired spot with mathematical regularity. By supplying fine particles of innocuous colouring matters, the Melicerta may be made to build a variegated case. The most remarkable specimen known is the one figured in Hudson and Gosse’s work, which was found by the present writer in a specimen of water from which he had already obtained five-and-twenty species of various kinds of Rotifer; the water was collected by an inexperienced person, and there was only a pint of it. It had, moreover, been kept for three weeks, and the moral of that is, to preserve one’s gatherings, and keep an aquarium into which they may be poured when done with for the moment. New forms will often develop with startling rapidity, their eggs having been present in the original gathering. The young form of Melicerta, shown in PlateXIV. Fig.20, is strangely unlike its mother, and much more nearly resembles its father.

Another group of extreme beauty is the FlosculariÆ (Fig.19), several species of which are very common. They will be easily known by their appearance, which resembles a shaving brush when closed; whilst, when opening, the shaving brush resembles a cloud of delicate shimmering threads, which at last stand out straight, radiating all round the head of the creature, and forming the trap by means of which it catches its prey. Finally, there is the lovely Stephanoceros (not, unfortunately, very common), with its five symmetrically placed and gracefully curved arms, perhaps the most lovely of all Rotifers, with its exquisitely transparent body, sparkling with masses of green and golden brown. He who finds this has a treasure indeed, and will be encouraged to prosecute his studies in this “Fairyland of Microscopy.”

Two irregular forms call for a word of remark. The first is ChÆtonotus (PlateXIII. Fig.27), which stands on the borderland of the Infusoria and the Rotifers, neglected as a rule by the students of both; and the second the Tardigrada (PlateXIV. Fig.21), or water-bears, which have feet like those of the red wriggling larva of Chironomus, whose silky tubes are common enough on submerged walls and on the stems of plants, these feet consisting of a mass of radially arranged hooklets, which can be protruded or withdrawn at will; whilst the head of the water-bear is far more like that of a louse, pointed and hard, and suited for burrowing about, as the animal does, among the rubbish at the bottom of the bottle. Both the genera just referred to will repay careful study, as little is known of their life-history or development.

A few words must be devoted, in conclusion, to the Entomostraca, those shrimp-like animals which, like their marine relatives, act as scavengers to the community. Fig.22 is a portrait of Cypris, a not very handsome form, but one very commonly found. Its shell is opaque, so that the internal organs are difficult to observe. Far different in this respect is the beautiful Daphnia, the water-flea par excellence, whose carapace is of crystalline clearness, so that every movement of every one of the internal organs may be followed with the greatest facility. There are many species of the genus, and some of them are very common, so that the opportunity of examining these lovely objects is easily obtained. PlateXIV. Fig.23, shows the most common of all the class under notice, the Cyclops, so named from the fact that, like the fabled giants of classical literature, it has a single eye in the middle of its forehead. It is often loaded with Infusoria, especially Vorticella and Epistylis, already described, to such an extent that its movements are greatly hampered.


1. Tubercle, Sun-star 14. Do. Truncatulina
2. Zoophyte, Gemellaria 15. Do. Polymorphina
3. Cuttle bone 16. Do. Miliolina
4. Plate of ditto from above 17. Gold dust, with quartz
5. Zoophyte, Antennularia 18. Foraminifer, Lagena vulgaris
6. Pedicellaria, skin of Starfish 19. Pouches, Skin of Rat’s tail
7. Shell, Foraminifer 20. Foraminifer, Biloculina ringens
8. Snake-star, disc from below 21. Ore, Copper
9. Pedicellaria, Echinus 22. Zoophyte, Membranipora pilosa
10. Wing-case, Weevil 23. Human skin, injected
11. Coralline 24. Coal, Longitudinal section
12. Spine, Echinus 25. Do. Transverse section
13. Foraminifer, Polystomella 26. Lung, Frog


We have not space to figure more of these creatures, but other forms will be found not inferior in interest to those mentioned. The most curious of all are those which earn a dishonest and lazy living by attaching themselves to the bodies of other and larger animals, chiefly fish. One of the largest is the Argulus, the bane of aquarium keepers, which is of considerable size, and attacks gold-fish, and in fact almost any fish to which it can obtain access.

The gills of the stickleback will furnish examples of the curious Ergasilus, which consists chiefly of an enormous pair of hooks and two long egg-bags, the latter, in varying form, being carried by many of the Entomostraca.

Upon the fins of the same fish will be found the remarkable Gyrodactylus, a worm-like animal which attaches itself by a large umbrella-like foot, in the centre of which are two huge claws. The head is split down the middle for some distance. We may mention, in concluding our notice of the external and involuntary guests of the unlucky stickleback, that its skin is usually frequented by hosts of the Trichodina described in the last chapter. Of the internal parasites, want of space forbids us to speak.


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