AntennÆ, their Structure and Use—Eyes, Compound and Simple—Breathing Organs—Jaws and their Appendages—Legs, Feet, and Suckers—Digestive Organs—Wings, Scales, and Hairs—Eggs of Insects—Hair, Wool, Linen, Silk, and Cotton—Scales of Fish—Feathers—Skin and its Structure—Epithelium—Nails, Bone, and Teeth—Blood Corpuscles and Circulation—Elastic Tissues—Muscle and Nerve. We now take leave of the vegetables for a time, and turn our attention to the animal kingdom. On PlateVI. may be seen many beautiful examples of animal structures, most of them being taken from the insect tribes. We will begin with the antennÆ, or horns, as they are popularly termed, of the insect. The forms of these organs are as varied as those of the insects to which they belong, and they are so well defined that a single antenna will, in almost every instance, enable a good entomologist to designate the genus to which the insect belonged. The functions of the antennÆ are not satisfactorily ascertained. They are certainly often used as organs of speech, as may be seen when two ants meet each other, cross their antennÆ, and then start off simultaneously to some task which is too I once saw a very curious scene of this kind take place at an ant’s nest near Hastings. A great daddy long-legs had, unfortunately for itself, settled on the nest, and was immediately “pinned” by an ant or two at each leg, so effectually that all its struggles availed nothing. Help was, however, needed, and away ran four or five ants in different directions, intercepting every comrade they met, and by a touch of the antennÆ sending them off in the proper direction. A large number of the wise insects soon crowded round the poor victim, whose fate was rapidly sealed. Every ant took its proper place, just like a gang of labourers under the orders of their foreman; and by dint of pushing and pulling, the long-legged insect was dragged to one of the entrances of the nest, and speedily disappeared. Many of the ichneumon-flies may also be seen quivering their antennÆ with eager zeal, and evidently using them as feelers, to ascertain the presence of the insect in which they intend to lay their eggs; and many other similar instances will be familiar to anyone who has been in the habit of watching insects and their ways. It is, however, most likely that the antennÆ serve other purposes than that which has just Fig.15, PlateVI., represents a part of one of the joints belonging to the antennÆ of the common house-fly; it is seen to be covered with a multitude of little depressions, some being small, and others very much larger. A section of the same antenna, but on a larger scale, is shown by Fig.16, in order to exhibit the real form of these depressions. Nerves have been traced to these curious cavities, which evidently serve some very useful purpose, some authors thinking them to belong to the sense of smell, and others to that of hearing. Perhaps they may be the avenues of some sensation not possessed by the human race, and of which we are therefore ignorant. Fig.17 represents a section of the antennÆ of an ichneumon-fly, to show the structure of these organs of sense. We will now glance cursorily at the forms of antennÆ which are depicted in the Plate. Fig.1 is the antenna of the common cricket, which consists of a vast number of little joints, each a trifle smaller than the preceding one, the whole forming a long, thread-like organ. Fig.2 is taken from the grasshopper, and shows that the joints are larger in the middle than at either end. Figs.3 and 5 are from two minute species of cocktailed beetles (StaphylÍnidÆ), which swarm throughout the summer months, and even in the winter may be found in profusion under stones and moss. The insect from which Fig.5 was taken is so small that it is almost invisible to the Fig.4 shows the antenna of the tortoise beetle (CÁssida), so common on many leaves, and remarkable for its likeness to the reptile from which it derives its popular name. Fig.3 is from one of the weevils, and shows the extremely long basal joint of the antennÆ of these beetles, as well as the clubbed extremity. Fig.7 is the beautifully notched antenna of the cardinal beetle (PyrochrÓa), and Fig.11 is the fan-like one of the common cockchafer. This specimen is taken from a male insect, and the reader will find his trouble repaid on mounting one of these antennÆ as a permanent object. Fig.12 is an antenna from one of the common ground beetles (CÁrabus) looking like a string of elongated pears, from the form of the joints. The reader will see that in beetles he is sure to find eleven joints in the antennÆ. Fig.10 is the entire antenna of a fly (Syrphus), one of those pretty flies which may be seen hovering over one spot for a minute, and then darting off like lightning to hang over another. The large joint is the one on which are found those curious depressions that have already been mentioned. Fig.8 is one of the antennÆ of a tortoise-shell butterfly (Vanessa), showing the slender, knobbed Fig.9 is an antenna of the male gnat, a most beautiful object, remarkable for the delicate transparency of the joints, and the exquisitely fine feathering with which they are adorned. We now arrive at the eyes of the insects, all of which are very beautiful, and many singularly full of interest. In the centre of PlateVI. may be seen the front view of the head of a bee, showing both kinds of eyes, three simple eyes arranged triangularly in the centre, and two large masses, compound eyes, at the sides. The simple eyes, termed “ocelli,” are from one Fig.18 shows a portion of the compound eye of the Atalanta butterfly, and Fig.20 the same organ of the death’s-head moth. A number of the protecting hairs may be seen still adhering to the eye of the butterfly. Fig.22 is a remarkably good specimen of the eye of a fly (HeliÓphilus), showing the facets, nearly square, the tubes to which they are attached, and portions of the optic nerves. Fig.23 is part of the compound eye of a lobster, showing the facets quite square. All these drawings were taken by the camera lucida from my own preparations, so that I can answer for their authenticity. On PlateVIII. Figs.6 and 12, the reader will find two more examples of eyes, these being taken from the spiders. Fig.6 is an example of the eight eyes of the well-known zebra spider, so common on our garden walls and similar situations, hunting incessantly after flies and other prey, Returning to PlateVI., in Fig.21 we see a curiously branched appearance, something like the hollow root of a tree, and covered with delicate spiral markings. This is part of the breathing apparatus of the silkworm, extracted and prepared by myself for the purpose of showing the manner in which the tubes branch off from the “spiracle” or external breathing-hole, a row of which may be seen along the sides of insects, together with the beautiful spiral filament which is wound round each tube for the purpose of strengthening it. One of these spiracles may be seen in the neck of the gnat (Fig.27). Another spiracle, more enlarged, may be seen on PlateVII. Fig.34, taken from the wireworm, i.e. the larva of the skipjack beetle (ElÁter), to show the apparatus for excluding dust and admitting air. The object of the spiral coil is very evident, for as these breathing-tubes extend throughout the whole body and limbs, they would fail to perform their office when the limbs were Fig.28 represents the two curious tubercles upon the hinder quarters of the common green-blight, or Aphis, so very common on our garden plants, as well as on many trees and other vegetables. From the tips of these tubercles exudes a sweet colourless fluid, which, after it has fallen upon the leaves, is popularly known by the name of honey-dew. Ants are very fond of this substance, and are in the habit of haunting the trees upon which the aphides live, for the purpose of sucking the honey-dew as it exudes from their bodies. A drop of this liquid may be seen on the extremity of the lower tubercle. The head of the same insect may be seen in Fig.24, where the reader may observe the bright scarlet eye, and the long beak with which the aphis punctures the leaves and sucks the sap. Turning to PlateVII. Fig.4, we find the head of a ground beetle (CÁrabus), valuable as exhibiting the whole of the organs of the head and mouth. Immediately above the compound eyes are seen the roots of the antennÆ, those organs themselves being cut away. Above there are two pairs of similarly constructed organs termed the “maxillary palpi,” because they belong to the lesser jaws or maxillÆ, seen just within the pair of great curved jaws called the mandibles, which are extended in so threatening a manner. The “labial palpi,” so called because they belong to the “labium,” or under lip, are seen just within the others; the tongue is seen between the maxillÆ, and the chin or “mentum” forms a defence for the base of the maxillÆ and the palpi. A careful examination of a beetle’s mouth with the aid of a pocket lens is very instructive as well as interesting. Fig.1 on the same Plate shows the jaws of the hive bee, where the same organs are seen modified into many curious shapes. In the centre may be seen the tongue, elongated into a flexible and hair-covered instrument, used for licking the honey from the interior of flowers. At each side of the tongue are the labial palpi, having their outermost joints very small, and the others extremely large, the latter acting as a kind of sheath for the tongue. Outside the labial palpi are the maxillÆ, separated in the specimen, but capable of being laid closely upon each other, and outside all are the mandibles. VI.
VI. The curiously elongated head of the scorpion-fly (Panorpa), seen at Fig.7, affords another example of the remarkable manner in which these organs are developed in different insects. Another elongated head, belonging to the daddy long-legs, is seen in PlateVI. Fig.27, and well shows the compound eyes, the antennÆ, and the palpi. Fig.2 represents the coiled tongue of the Atalanta butterfly; it is composed of the maxillÆ, very greatly developed, and appearing as if each had originally been flat, and then rolled up so as to make about three-fourths of a tube. A number of projections are seen towards the tip, and one of these little bodies is shown on a larger scale at Fig.3. These curious organs have probably some connection with the sense of taste. Along the edges of the semi-tubes are arranged a number of very tiny hooks, by means of which the insect can unite the edges at will. Fig.11, in the centre of the Plate, shows one of the most curious examples of insect structure, the proboscis or trunk of the common bluebottle-fly. The maxillary palpi covered with bristles are seen projecting at each side, and upon the centre are three lancet-like appendages, two small and one large, which are used for perforating various substances on which the insect feeds. The great double disc at the end is composed of the lower lip Fig.5 shows the tongue of the common cricket, a most elegantly formed organ, having a number of radiating bands covered with zigzag lines, due to the triangular plates of strengthening substance with which they are furnished, instead of the rings. A portion more highly magnified is shown at Fig.6, exhibiting the manner in which the branches are arranged. The legs of insects now claim our attention. Fig.9, PlateVII., shows the “pro-leg” of a caterpillar. The pro-legs are situated on the hinder parts of the caterpillar, and, being set in pairs, take a wonderfully firm hold of a branch or twig by pressure toward each other. Around the Fig.15 is the lower portion of the many-jointed legs of the long-legged spider (PhalÁngium), the whole structure looking very like the antenna of the cricket. Fig.17 is the leg of the glow-worm, showing the single claw with which it is armed. Fig.26 shows the foot of the flea, furnished with two simple claws. Fig.16 is the foot of the TrombÍdium, a genus of parasitic creatures, to which the well-known harvest-bug belongs. Fig.26, PlateVI., shows the leg of the green Aphis of the geranium, exhibiting the double claw, and the pad or cushion, which probably serves the same purpose as the pads found upon the feet of many other insects. Fig.8 is the lower portion of the leg of the ant, showing the two claws and the curious pad in the centre, by means of which the insect is able to walk upon slippery surfaces. The TÍpula has a foot also furnished with a single pad (see PlateVI. Fig.30). This organ is seen under a very high power to be covered with long hair-like appendages, each having a little disc at the end, and probably secreting some glutinous fluid which will enable the creature to hold on to perpendicular and smooth surfaces. Many of my readers will doubtless have noticed the common fly, towards the end of autumn, walking stiffly upon the walls, and evidently detaching each foot with great difficulty, age and infirmity having made Fig.21 is the foot of one of the ichneumon-flies (OphÍon), the hairy fringe being apparently for the purpose of enabling it to hold firmly to the caterpillar in which it is depositing its eggs, and which wriggles so violently under the infliction that it would soon throw its tormentor had not some special means been provided for the purpose of enabling the latter to keep its hold. Fig.20 is a beautiful example of a padded foot, taken from the little red parasitic creature so plentifully found upon the dor or dung beetle (GeotrÚpes), and of which the afflicted insect is said to rid itself by lying on its back near an ant’s nest, and waiting until the ants carry off its tormentors. Fig.18 is the foot of the common yellow dung-fly (plentiful in pasture lands), having two claws and two pads; and Fig.19 shows the three pads and two claws found in the foot of the hornet-fly (Ásilus). Few microscopic objects call forth such general and deserved admiration as the fore-foot of the male water-beetle (Dytiscus), when properly prepared and mounted, for which see Fig.13. On examining this preparation under the microscope, it is seen that three of the joints are greatly expanded, and that the whole of their under surface is covered profusely with certain wonderful projections, which are known to act as suckers. One of them is exceedingly large, and occupies a very considerable space, its hairs radiating like One of the larger suckers is seen more magnified on Fig.14. PlateVIII. Fig.1, exemplifies the manner in which the muscles of insects do their work, being well attached in the limbs to the central tendon, and pulling “with a will” in one direction, thus giving very great strength. This leg is taken from the water boatman (Notonecta), and has been mounted in Canada balsam. On PlateVII. Fig.29, may be seen a curiously formed creature. This is the larva of the tortoise beetle (CÁssida), the skin having been flattened and mounted in Canada balsam. The spiracles are visible along the sides, and at the end is seen a dark fork-like structure. This is one of the peculiarities of this creature, and is employed for the purpose of carrying the refuse of its food, which is always piled upon its back, and retained in its place by the forked spines, aided probably by the numerous smaller spines that project from the side. Fig.33 shows part of the stomach and gastric teeth of the grasshopper. This structure may be seen to perfection in the “gizzard,” as it is called, We now cast a rapid glance at the wings of insects. They have no analogy, except in their use, with the wings of birds, as they are not modifications of existing limbs, but entirely separate organs. They consist of two membranes united at their edges, and traversed and supported by sundry hollow branches or “nervures,” which admit air, and serve as useful guides to entomologists for separating the insects into their genera. Indeed, the general character of the wings has long been employed as the means of dividing the insect race into their different orders, as may be seen in any work on entomology. The typical number of wings is four, but it often happens that two are almost wholly absent, or that the uppermost pair are thickened into a shelly kind of substance which renders them useless for flight; while in many insects, such as the ground beetles and others, the upper wings become hardened into firm coverings for the body, and the lower pair are shrivelled and useless. Fig.22 shows two of the wings of a humble bee, together with their nervures, and the peculiar system by which the upper and lower pair are united together at the will of the insect. At the upper edge of the lower wing, and nearly at its extremity, may be seen a row of very tiny hooks, shown on a larger scale at Fig.25. These hooklets hitch into the strengthened membrane of the upper wing, which is seen immediately above them, and so conjoin the two together. The curious wing-hooks of the Aphis may be seen on Fig.24, very highly magnified. Fig.31 is the wing of the midge (PsychÓda), that odd little insect which is seen hopping and popping about on the windows of outhouses and similar localities, and is so hard to catch. The whole wing is plentifully covered with elongated scales, and is a most lovely object under any power of the microscope. These scales run along the nervures and edges of the wings, and part of a nervure is shown more highly magnified at Fig.32. At Fig.23 is shown the wing of one of the hemipterous insects, common along the banks of ditches and in shady lanes, and known by the name of CÍxius. It is remarkable for the numerous spots which stud the nervures, one being always found at each forking, and the others being very irregularly disposed. Fig.30 is one of the balancers or “haltÉres” of the house-fly. These organs are found in all the two-winged insects, and are evidently modifications The wings of insects are mostly covered with hairs or scales, several examples of which are given in PlateVIII. Fig.4 shows one of the scales of the Adippe or fritillary butterfly, exhibiting the double membrane—part of which has been torn away—and the beautiful lines of dots with which it is marked. The structure of the scales is further shown by a torn specimen of tiger moth scale seen on Fig.16. On many scales these dots assume a “watered” aspect when the focus or illumination changes, an example of which may be seen in Fig.15, a scale of the peacock butterfly. Fig.11 is one of the ordinary scales of the azure blue butterfly, and Fig.10 shows one of the curious “battledore” scales of the same insect, with its rows of distinct dottings. Fig.14 is one of the prettily tufted scales of the orange-tip butterfly, and Fig.8 is the splendid branched scale of the death’s-head moth. Fig.19 shows a scale of the sugar-runner (Lepisma saccharÍna), a little silvery creature with glistening skin, and long bristles at the head and tail, that is found running about cupboards, window-sills, and similar places. It is not easy to catch with the fingers, as it slips through them like oil; but by holding a cover-glass in a pair of forceps, and pressing it upon one of the little creatures, a number of the scales may be caused to adhere to it, and these should be mounted dry for examination. The gnats also possess very pretty scales, with the ribs projecting beyond the membrane. VII.
VII. Fig.21 is a scale from the common spring-tail (PodÚra plÚmbea), a little creature which is found plentifully in cellars and other damp places, skipping about with great activity. Some flour scattered on a piece of paper is a sure trap for these little beings. Fig.3 is one of the scales taken from the back of the celebrated diamond beetle, showing the cause of the magnificent gem-like aspect of that insect. We have in England many beetles of the same family—the weevils—which, although much smaller, are quite as splendid when exhibited under a microscope by reflected light. The wing-case or “elytron” of a little green weevil, very common in the hedges, may be seen on PlateXII. Fig.10. The reader will observe that all these scales are furnished with little root-like appendages, by means of which they are affixed to the insect. Fig.13 shows a portion of the wing of the azure blue butterfly, from which nearly all the scales have been removed, for the purpose of exhibiting the pits or depressions in which they had formerly been fastened, and one or two of the scales are left still adherent to their places. The scales are arranged in equal rows like the slates of a housetop, The eggs of insects are all very beautiful, and three of the most curious forms are given on PlateVIII. Fig.2 is the empty egg of the gad-fly, as it appears when fastened to a hair of the horse. Fig.5 represents the pretty ribbed egg of the common tortoise-shell butterfly; and Fig.7 is the very beautiful egg of the very horrid bed-bug, worthy of notice on account of the curious lid with which its extremity is closed, by means of which the young larva creeps out as soon as it is hatched. The feathers of birds, and the fur of animals, will furnish many examples of the eggs of parasites, some of which are of extreme beauty. The feather or hair may be mounted in a cell without disturbing the eggs, which should, however, be heated sufficiently to kill the embryo if present. Fig.9 shows the penetrating portions of the sting of the wasp. The two barbed stings, which seem The sting is only found in female insects, and is supposed to be analogous to the “ovipositor” of other insects, i.e. the instrument by which the eggs are deposited in their places. Fig.20 shows the curious egg-placing apparatus of one of the saw-flies. The backs of these “saws” work in grooves, and they work alternately, so that the fly takes but a very short time in cutting a slit in the young bark of a tender shoot, and laying her eggs in the slit. When she has completed one of these channels, she sets to work upon another, and in the early spring the young branches of the gooseberry bushes may be seen plentifully covered with these grooves and the eggs. When hatched, black caterpillar-like grubs from the eggs issue, and devastate the bushes sadly, turning in process of time into blackish flies, which are seen hovering in numbers over the gooseberries, and may be killed by thousands. The scales and hairs of other animals deserve great attention. Fig.23 is a single hair of the human beard, as it often appears when tied in a knot—by Queen Mab and her fairies, according In the sheep’s wool (Fig.30) this structure is much more developed, and gives to the fibres the “felting” power that causes them to interlace so firmly with each other, and enables cloth—when really made of wool—to be cut without unravelling. Fig.37 is the smooth hair of the badger; and Fig.34 is the curious hair of the red deer, which looks as if it had been covered with a delicate net. Fig.28 is the soft, grey, wool-like hair of the rat; and Fig.29 is one of the larger hairs that protrude so plentifully, and form the glistening All hairs should be examined by polarised light, with a plate of selenite, when most gorgeous colour effects may be obtained. The four fibres mostly used in the manufacture of apparel are: wool, Fig.30, which has already been described; linen, Fig.39; cotton, Fig.40; and silk, Fig.41. The structure of each is very well marked and easily made out with the microscope; so that an adulterated article can readily be detected by a practised eye. Cotton is the most common adulteration of silk and linen fabrics, and may at once be detected by its flat twisted fibre. Silk is always composed of two parallel threads, each proceeding from one of the spinnerets of the caterpillar, and it may be here remarked that if these threads are not quite parallel the silk is of bad quality. Silken fibre is always covered, when new, with a kind of varnish, usually of a bright orange colour, which gives the undressed Figs.35 and 36 are the small and large hairs of that magnificent creature, the sea mouse (AphrodÍte aculeÁta), whose covering, although it lies in the mud, glows with every hue of the rainbow, and in a brilliant light is almost painfully dazzling to the eye. VIII. VIII. The scales of some of the fishes are shown on PlateVIII., in order to exhibit their mode of growth by successive layers. The scales are always enveloped in membranous sacs, and in some cases, as in the eel, they do not project beyond the surface, and require some little observation to detect them. A scale of an eel is shown on PlateXI. Fig.14, and is a magnificent object under polarised light. Fig.33 is a scale of the greenbone pike; and Figs.42 and 43 are scales of the perch, showing the roots by which they are held in their places. The roach, dace, bleak, and many other similar fish have a beautiful silvery substance on the under surface of the scales, which was greatly used in the manufacture of artificial pearls, glass beads being thinly coated in the interior with the glittering substance, and then filled in with wax. A piece of sole-skin, when preserved in Canada balsam and placed under the microscope, is a very beautiful object. More examples of hairs, and other processes from the skin, together with the structure of the In all important points of their structure the feathers of birds are similar to the hairs of animals, and are developed in a similar manner. They are all composed of a quill portion, in which the pith is contained, and of a shaft, which carries the vane, together with its barbs. The form of each of these portions varies much, even in different parts of the same bird, and the same feather has almost always two kinds of barbs; one close and firm, and the other loose, floating, and downy. If a small feather be plucked from the breast or back of a sparrow or any other small bird, the upper part of the feather is seen to be close and firm, while the lower is loose and downy, the upper part being evidently intended to lie closely on the body and keep out the wet, while the lower portion affords a soft and warm protection to the skin. Fig.12, PlateX., shows the feather of a peacock, wherein the barbs are very slightly fringed and lie quite loosely side by side. Fig.18 is part of the same structure, in a duck’s feather, wherein are seen the curious hooks which enable each vane to take a firm hold of its neighbour, the whole feather being thus rendered firm, compact, and capable of repelling water. The reader will not fail to notice the remarkable analogy between these hooks and those which connect the wings of the bee. Fig.17 is a part of the shaft of a young feather taken from the canary, given for the purpose of Fig.13 exhibits a transverse section of one of the large hairs or spines from the hedgehog, and shows the disposition of the firm, horn-like exterior, and the arrangement of the cells. Sections of various kinds of hair are interesting objects, and are easily made by tying a bundle of them together, soaking them in gum, hardening in spirit, and then cutting thin slices with a razor. A little glycerine will dissolve the gum, and the sections of hair will be well shown. Unless some such precaution be taken, the elasticity of the hair will cause the tiny sections to fly in all directions, and there will be no hope of recovering them. Several examples of the skin are also given. Fig.27 is a section through the skin of the human finger, including the whole of one of the little ridges which are seen upon the extremity of every finger, and half of two others. The cuticle, epidermis, or scarf-skin, as it is indifferently termed, is formed of cells or scales, much flattened and horny in the upper layers, rounder and plumper below. The true skin, or “cutis,” is fibrous in structure, and lies immediately beneath, the two together constituting the skin, properly so called. Beneath lies a layer of tissue filled with fatty globules, and containing the glands by which the perspiration is secreted. One of the tubes or channels by which these glands are enabled to pour their contents to the outside of the body, and, if they be kept perfectly clean, to disperse them into the air, is seen running up the centre of the figure, and terminating in a cup-shaped orifice on the surface of the cuticle. On the palm of the hand very nearly three thousand of these ducts lie within the compass of a square inch, and more than a thousand in every square inch of the arm and other portions of the body, so that the multitude of these valuable organs may be well estimated, together with the absolute necessity for keeping the skin perfectly clean in order to enjoy full health. Fig.1 shows a specimen of epidermis taken from the skin of a frog, exhibiting the flattened cells which constitute that structure, and the oval or slightly elongated nuclei, of which each cell has one. In Fig.32, a portion of a bat’s wing, the arrangement of the pigment is remarkably pretty. Immediately above, at Fig.31, is some of the pigment taken from the back of the human eye-ball. The shape of the pigment cells is well shown. Similar specimens may easily be obtained from the back of a sheep’s eye which has been hardened in spirit, or from that of a boiled fish. Fig.33 shows the pigment in the shell of the prawn. On various parts of animal structures, such as the lining of internal cavities, the interior of the mouth, and other similar portions of the body, the cells are developed into a special form, which is Bone in its various stages is figured on PlateX. Fig.9 is a good example of human bone, and is a thin transverse section taken from the thigh. When cut across, bone exhibits a whitish structure filled with little dottings that become more numerous towards the centre, and are almost invisible towards the circumference. In the centre of the bone there is a cavity, which contains marrow in the mammalia and air in the birds. When placed under a microscope, bone presents the appearance shown in the illustration. The large aperture in the centre is one of innumerable tubes that run along the bone, and serve to allow a passage to the vessels which convey blood from one part of the bone to another. They are technically called Haversian canals, and if a longitudinal section be made they will be found running tolerably parallel, and communicating freely with each other. Around each Haversian canal may be seen a number of little black spots with lines radiating in all directions, and looking something like flattened insects. These are termed bone-cells or “lacÚnÆ,” and the little black lines are called “canalÍculi.” In the living state they contain cells which are concerned in the growth of the bone, and these may be made evident by softening fresh bone with acid, cutting sections of it, and staining. When viewed by transmitted light the lacunÆ and canaliculi are black; but when seen by dark-field As these canaliculi exist equally in every direction, it is impossible to make a section of bone without cutting myriads of them across; and when a high power is employed they look like little dots scattered over the surface. A very pretty object can be made of the bone taken from a young animal which has been fed with madder, as the colour gets into the bone and settles chiefly round the Haversian canal. A young pig is a very good subject, so is a rabbit. Fig.16 is a similar section cut from the leg-bone of an ostrich. The development of bone is beautifully shown in Fig.30, a delicate slice taken from a pig’s rib. Above may be seen the gristle or cartilage, with the numerous rows of cells; below is the formed bone, with one of the Haversian canals and its contents; while between the two may be seen the cartilage-cells gathering together and arranging themselves into form. The cartilage-cells are well shown in Fig.28, which is a portion of the cup which had contained the eye of a haddock. The horn-like substances at the end of our fingers, which we call the nails, are composed of innumerable flattened cells. These cells are generally so fused together as to be quite indistinguishable even with a microscope, but can be rendered visible by soaking a section of nail in liquor potassÆ, which causes the cells to swell up and resume to a degree their original rounded form. It is worthy of remark that the animal form is built up of cells, as is the case with the vegetables, although the cells are not so variable in shape. They generally may be found to contain well-marked nuclei, two or more of the latter being often found within a single cell, and in many cases the tiny nucleoli are also visible. Good examples of these cells may be obtained from the yolk of an egg, and by careful management they may be traced throughout every part of the animal form. The teeth have many of the constituents of bone, and in some of their parts are made after precisely the same fashion. When cut, the teeth are seen to consist of a hard substance, called enamel, which coats their upper surfaces, of dentine, or ivory, within the enamel, and of “cement,” which surrounds the fangs. In Fig.26, PlateX., which is a longitudinal section of the human “eye” tooth, is seen the ivory occupying the greater part of the tooth, coated by the enamel at the top and the cement at the bottom. In the centre of each tooth there is a cavity, which is plentifully filled with a pulpy substance by which the tooth is nourished, and which conveys the nerves which endow it with sensation. A traverse section of the same tooth is seen in Fig.25. The enamel is made of little elongated prisms, all pointing to the centre of the tooth. When viewed transversely, their ends are of a somewhat hexagonal shape, something like an irregular honeycomb. The dentine is composed of a substance pierced with myriads of minute tubes. They require a rather Sections may be made by sawing a slice in the required direction, polishing one side, and cementing it with old Canada balsam to a slide. It may then be filed down to nearly the required thinness, finished by carefully rubbing with a hone, and polished with buff leather. Canada balsam may then be dropped upon it, and a glass cover pressed firmly down. Sections of young bone form magnificent objects for the polariser. Fig.29 is a section cut from one of the palate teeth of the ray (MyliobÁtes). A rather important element in the structure of animals is the “elastic ligament,” which is found in the back of the neck and other parts of the body, especially about the spine. It is made of a vast number of fibres of variable shape and length, branching and communicating, arranged generally in bundles, and remarkable for containing very few vessels, and no nerves at all. At Fig.14 may be seen an example of elastic ligament, popularly called “paxwax,” taken from the neck of a sheep. The white fibrous tissue by which all the parts of the body are bound together is seen at Fig.10; and at Fig.11 is a beautiful example of the “ultimate fibres” of the crystalline lens of a sturgeon’s eye. The muscles of animals are of two kinds, the one termed the striped, and the other the unstriped. Of these, the latter belongs to organs which work independently of will, such as the stomach, etc., while the former belongs to those portions of the body which are subject to voluntary motion, such as the arm and the leg. The unstriped muscle is very simple, consisting merely of long spindle-shaped cells, but the striped or voluntary muscle is of more complex construction. Every voluntary muscle consists of myriads of tiny fibres, bound together in little bundles, enveloped in a kind of sheath. Fig.24 is an example of this muscular fibre, taken from beef. When soaked in spirit, it often splits into a number of discs, the edges of which are marked by the transverse lines. A fibre of nerve is drawn at Fig.23, and is given for the purpose of showing the manner in which the nerve is contained in and protected by its sheath, just like a telegraph-wire in its coverings. Just above is a transverse section of the same fibre, showing the same arrangement from another point of view, and also illustrating the curious phenomenon, that when nerve-fibres are treated with carmine the centre takes up the colouring matter, while the sheath remains white as before. The best way of studying nerves is to decapitate a frog, and cut off a piece of one of the nerves, which, like fine silk threads, come out between the joints of the spine inside the abdomen. By careful teasing out it is easy to obtain preparations showing all the above points, and, in addition, the folding-in of the The blood of animals is analogous in its office to the sap of plants, but differs greatly from it under the microscope. In sap there seem to be no microscopic characters, except that when a branch is cut, as in the vine, the flowing sap may contain certain substances formed in the wounded cells, such as chlorophyll, starch, and raphides; but the blood is known to be an exceedingly complex substance both in a microscopic and a chemical point of view. When a little fresh blood is placed under the microscope, it is seen to consist of a colourless fluid filled with numerous little bodies, commonly called “blood-globules,” varying very greatly in size and shape, according to the animal from which they were taken. Those of the reptiles are very large, as may be seen at Fig.4, PlateX., which represents a blood corpuscle of the Proteus. In this curious reptile the globules are so large that they may be distinguished during its life by means of a common pocket lens. In the vertebrated animals these corpuscles are red, and give to the blood its peculiar tint. They are accompanied by certain colourless corpuscles, spherical in form, which are sometimes, as in man, larger than the red globules, and in others, as in the siren and the newt, considerably smaller. The general view of the red corpuscles has sufficient character to enable the practised observer to name the class of animal from which it was taken, and in some cases they are so distinctive that even the genus can be ascertained with tolerable certainty. In point of size, the reptiles have the largest and the mammalia the smallest, those of the Proteus and the musk-deer being perhaps the most decidedly opposed to each other in this respect. IX.
IX. In shape, those of the mammalia are circular discs, mostly with a concave centre, though the camel has oval ones; those of the birds are more or less oval and convex; those of the reptiles are decidedly oval, very thin, and have the nucleus projecting; and those of the fishes are oval and mostly convex. During the process of coagulation the blood corpuscles run together into a series of rows, just as if a heap of pence had been piled on each other and then pushed down, so that each penny overlaps its next neighbour. These objects are illustrated by six examples on PlateX. Fig.2 is human blood, showing one of the white corpuscles; Fig.3 is the blood of the pigeon; Fig.4, of the Proteus anguÍnus; Fig.5, of the tortoise; Fig.6, of the frog, showing the projecting nucleus; and Fig.7, of the roach. The blood possesses many curious properties, which cannot be described in these few and simple pages. In the centre of PlateX. is a large circular figure representing the membrane of a frog’s foot as seen through the microscope, and exhibiting the circulation of the blood. The mode of arranging the foot so as to exhibit the object without hurting the frog is simple enough. Take an oblong slip of wood,—my own was made in five minutes out of the top of a cigar-box,—bore a Bring the glass into focus, and the foot will present the appearance so well depicted in the engraving. The veins and arteries are seen spreading over the whole of the membrane, the larger arteries being often accompanied by a nerve, as seen in the illustration. Through all these channels the blood continually pours with a rather irregular motion, caused most probably by the peculiar position of the reptile. It is a most wonderful sight, of which the observer is never tired, and The corpuscles go pushing and jostling one another in the oddest fashion, just like a British crowd entering an exhibition, each one seeming to be elbowing its way to the best place. To see them turning the corners is very amusing, for they always seem as if they never could get round the smaller vessels, and yet invariably accomplish the task with perfect ease, turning about and steering themselves as if possessed of volition, and insinuating their ends when they could not pass crosswise. By putting various substances, such as spirit or salt, upon the foot, the rapidity of the circulation at the spot can be greatly increased or reduced at will, or even stopped altogether for a while, and the phenomenon of inflammation and its gradual natural cure be beautifully illustrated. The numerous black spots upon the surface are pigment-cells. The tails of young fish also afford excellent objects under the microscope, as the circulation can be seen nearly as well as in the frog’s foot. The gills of tadpoles can also be arranged upon the stage with a little care, and the same organs in the young of the common newt will also exhibit the circulation in a favourable manner. The frog, however, is perhaps the best, as it can be arranged on the “frog-plate” without difficulty, and the creature may be kept for months by placing it in a cool, damp spot, and feeding it with flies, little slugs, and similar creatures. |