Dictionary 1. (a.) Ardent; passionate; burning\; vehement; zealous.2. (a.) Very hot; burning; boiling. Thesaurus abandoned ablaze afire ardent athirst blazing boiling boiling over breathless burning burning with excitement committed consumed with desire cordial coveting craving dedicated delirious devoted devoured by desire devout drunk earnest enthusiastic excited exuberant faithful febrile fervent fevered feverish fiery flaming flushed glowing hearty heated hectic het up hot hot-blooded hungering hungry impassioned in earnest in rut intense intent intent on intoxicated itching keen lively loyal mad with lust on fire passionate perfervid prurient red-hot resolute seething serious sexually excited sincere spirited steaming steamy thirsting thirsty unrestrained vehement vigorous warm white-hot zealous |