1. (a.) Habitual; constitutional; pertaining especially to slow waste of animal tissue, as in consumption; as, a hectic type in disease; a hectic flush.

2. (a.) In a hectic condition; having hectic fever; consumptive; as, a hectic patient.

3. (n.) Hectic fever.

4. (n.) A hectic flush.

agitated at fever pitch bloom blooming blowzed blowzy blush blushing boiling boiling over burning burning with excitement burnt bustling busy calenture chaotic childbed fever coloring continued fever crimsoning delirious delirium eruptive fever excited fanatical febricity febrile febrility fervent fervid fever fever heat fevered feverish feverishness feverous fieriness fiery fire flaming florid flush flushed flushing frantic frenetic frenzied full-blooded furious glow glowing heat heated hectic fever hectic flush het up hot hyperactive hyperkinetic hyperpyretic hyperpyrexia hyperthermia hyperthermic hysteric in a fever in rut incandescence infatuated inflamed insane intermittent fever intrusive mad mantling officious overanxious overdesirous overeager overenthusiastic overzealous passionate perfervid protein fever puerperal fever pyretic pyrexia red-complexioned red-faced red-fleshed red-hot reddening redness relapsing fever remittent remittent fever riotous rosiness rosy rosy-cheeked rubefacient rubescence rubicund ruddy ruddy-complexioned ruddy-faced rufescence rushed sanguine seething sexually excited steaming steamy sunburned ultrazealous urethral fever vaccinal fever warm water fever whiteness wild wound fever


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