1. (a.) Consisting of, containing, or resembling, fire; as, the fiery gulf of Etna; a fiery appearance.

2. (a.) Vehement; ardent; very active; impetuous.

3. (a.) Passionate; easily provoked; irritable.

4. (a.) Unrestrained; fierce; mettlesome; spirited.

5. (a.) heated by fire, or as if by fire; burning hot; parched; feverish.

Titian Titian-red abandoned ablaze accendible afire aflame aglow algetic alight angry ardent beany blaring blazing boiling boiling over breathless bricky brilliant broiling burnable burning burning with excitement cardinal carmine carnation carnelian cerise chafed cherry cherry-colored cherry-red combustible combustive committed conflagrant conflagrative cordial crimson damask dedicated delirious devoted devout drunk eager earnest edgy emphatic enthusiastic excitable excited exciting explosive exuberant faithful fanatic febrile ferruginous fervent fervid festering fevered feverish feverous fierce fire-red firelike flame-colored flame-red flaming flammable flaring flushed furious galled glaring gleaming glowing gules hard-core hasty headlong hearty heated hectic het up high-spirited hot hot-blooded hot-tempered hotheaded hyperpyretic hyperthermic igneous ignited impassioned impetuous impulsive in a fever in earnest in flames in rut incandescent incarmined inflamed inflammable infrared intense intent intent on intoxicated irascible iron-red irritable irritated keen lake-colored laky lateritious lively lobster-red loyal luminous lurid madcap maroon mettlesome on fire overheated passionate peppery perfervid port-wine precipitate provoking puce pyretic pyric quick quick-tempered radiant rankling raw red red-dyed red-hot red-looking reddened reddish reddish-amber reddish-brown resolute rubicund rubiginous rubric rubricose ruby ruby-colored ruby-red ruddied ruddy rufescent rufous rust rust-red rusty scalding scarlet scorching seething sensitive serious sexually excited short-tempered simmering sincere sizzling smarting sore spirited spunky stammel steaming steamy stimulating stirring stormy tempestuous tender tile-red tingling tornadic torrid totally committed touchy unrestrained urgent vehement vermilion vigorous vinaceous violent volcanic warm white-hot wild wine wine-colored wine-red zealous


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