1. (
v. i.) To strike or thump, so as to rebound, or to make a sudden noise; a knock loudly.
2. (v. i.) To leap or spring suddenly or unceremoniously; to bound; as, she bounced into the room.
3. (v. i.) To boast; to talk big; to bluster.
4. (v. t.) To drive against anything suddenly and violently; to bump; to thump.
5. (v. t.) To cause to bound or rebound; sometimes, to toss.
6. (v. t.) To eject violently, as from a room; to discharge unceremoniously, as from employment.
7. (v. t.) To bully; to scold.
8. (n.) A sudden leap or bound; a rebound.
9. (n.) A heavy, sudden, and often noisy, blow or thump.
10. (n.) An explosion, or the noise of one.
11. (n.) Bluster; brag; untruthful boasting; audacious exaggeration; an impudent lie; a bouncer.
12. (n.) A dogfish of Europe (Scyllium catulus).
13. (adv.) With a sudden leap; suddenly.
AM signal CRT spot DM display Doppler signal FM signal Highland fling IF signal IM display RF amplifier RF echoes RF signal RF stage adaptability airiness and jump animation ax backfire backlash backlashing beam beat signal blips bludgeon bluff bluster bluster and bluff bob bobble boomerang boot boot out bounce bounce back bounces bounciness bound bound back brag brave show break breeziness broad jump browbeat buck buckjump bulldoze bully bullyrag bump buoyance buoyancy bust can cannon cannon off caper capriole caracole carefreeness carom cashier cast cast out cavort chatter chirpiness chuck out clear contrecoup cow curvet cut a dido cut capers debonairness defenestrate defrock degrade demivolt demote deplume depose deprive detrude didder direct signal disbar discard discharge disemploy dismiss displace display displume dither double-dot display dragoon drum out dynamism echo echo signal eject elasticity energy exclude expel extensibility extrude falter fire flexibility flounce fly back flying jump frisk furlough galliard gambado gambol gasconade gelandesprung get-up-and-go give give the ax give the gate give the hook go grand jete grimace handspring have an ague have repercussions heave out hector high jump hippety-hop hop hurdle hustle intimidate jactitate jar jauntiness jerk jete jettison jig jigget jiggle jog joggle jolt jostle jounce jump jump about jump over jump shot jump turn jump-hop jump-off junk kick kick back kick downstairs kick out kick upstairs kickback lash back lavolta lay off leap leap over leapfrog let go let out levity life light heart lightheartedness lightness lightsomeness liveliness local oscillator signal long jump lop make redundant morris negotiate obtrude oust out-herod Herod output signal overjump overleap overskip peacockery peacockishness pension off pep perkiness pertness picture pips pole vault pounce pounce on pounce upon prance put out quake quaver quiver radar signal radio-frequency amplifier radio-frequency signal radio-frequency stage rage ramp rant rave read out of reading rebound rebuff recalcitrate recalcitration recoil reflected signal reflection reject release remove repercuss repercussion replace repulse resile resilience resiliency responsiveness retire return return signal ricochet rictus roister rollick romp running broad jump running high jump sack saut de basque separate forcibly