◄ Exclude ►

1. (v. t.) To shut out; to hinder from entrance or admission\; to debar from participation or enjoyment; to deprive of; to except; -- the opposite to admit; as, to exclude a crowd from a room or house; to exclude the light; to exclude one nation from the ports of another; to exclude a taxpayer from the privilege of voting.

2. (v. t.) To thrust out or eject; to expel; as, to exclude young animals from the womb or from eggs.

abjure abscind amputate annihilate anticipate avert ban banish bar bar out bate blackball blockade bob boot out bounce brush aside cast cast out categorically reject chuck chuck out clip contemn contradict count out crop cull cut cut away cut off cut out debar decline defenestrate deflect deny deport despise deter detrude disallow disapprove disapprove of discard discharge disclaim discount discourage disdain disfavor disfellowship dishearten dismiss disown disregard dissent from dock eject eliminate embargo enjoin enucleate eradicate estop evict except excise exclude from excommunicate exile expatriate expel extinguish extirpate extradite extrude fend fend off forbid foreclose forestall forswear freeze out frown at frown down frown upon fugitate get rid of give the hook grimace at heave out help ignore inhibit interdict isolate jettison junk keep away keep from keep off keep out kick downstairs kick out knock off leave out lock out look askance at look black upon lop mutilate nip not approve not go for not hear of not hold with object object to obtrude obviate omit oppose ostracize oust outlaw pare pass by pass over pass up peel pick out preclude prevent prohibit proscribe protest prune push aside put out rebuff recant refuse refuse to consider reject relegate remove renounce repel repress repudiate repulse root out rule rule out rusticate save say no to scout send away send down send to Coventry set apart set aside shave shear shove away shut out snub spurn stamp out stave off strike off strip strip off suppress taboo take exception to take off take out think ill of think little of throw away throw out throw overboard thrust out thumb down toss out transport truncate turn aside turn away turn out view with disfavor waive ward off wipe out


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