That hast so long walk’d hand in hand with time.
A LIST OF SUCH MEMBERS OF THE COMPANY AS HAVE SERVED THE OFFICE OF SERJEANT SURGEON. A LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE COMPANY WHO HAVE SERVED THE OFFICES OF HISTORICAL ACCOUNT THE BARBERS UNINCORPORATE. EXTRACTS FROM COURT MINUTES, ETC., SURGICAL LECTURES AND DEMONSTRATIONS. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF EMINENT MEMBERS. HENRY NEVILL, FOURTH LORD OF BURGAVENNY. SUNDRY MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. Transcriber’s notes: Much of the text in this book was first written centuries before English spelling and punctuation became standardised; it is presented here true to the original. It was common practice at the time to abbreviate handwritten text using superscripted letters, diacritics, and archaic symbols. These will not necessarily display correctly with commonly used screen fonts – and on small handheld devices they may not display at all, or may give rise to illegible fragmented text. Readers are strongly recommended to view the text on a full-sized screen with a browser using a Unicode-compliant font such as Free Serif, Cardo, Segoe UI Symbol, DejaVu, Arial Unicode MS or Lucida Sans Unicode, and even then the text might not display correctly with every browser. In this transcription, hyperlinks (to a page, illustration or footnote) are indicated by a black dotted underline and by aqua highlighting when the mouse pointer hovers over them. A red dashed underline indicates the presence of a hidden comment which can be revealed by hovering the mouse pointer over the underlined text. Page numbers are shown in the right margin. Footnotes are located at the end of the book. Some illustrations have been repositioned closer to the relevant passage of text. A title was added to the original plain book cover by the transcriber. THE ANNALS OF THE BARBER-SURGEONS OF LONDON, COMPILED FROM THEIR RECORDS AND OTHER SOURCES, BY SIDNEY YOUNG, ONE OF THE COURT OF ASSISTANTS OF THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF BARBERS OF LONDON, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY AUSTIN T. YOUNG.Let me embrace thee, good old chronicle, That hast so long walk’d hand in hand with time. Shakespeare. logo London: BLADES, EAST & BLADES, 23, Abchurch Lane, E.C. 1890. A mery chylde he was, so god me saue Wel coude he let blood, clyppe, and shaue. Chaucer. |