Ordered 17th July, 1551. That Water Lynche whiche was prentise wth John Tholmwoode Barborsurgeon shalbe and ys contented to serve Thomas Woolf as a prentice from the daye above written untyll the viijth yere of King Edward the sixte and so the sayd Water Lynche his yeres to be fully ended and ronne out at the feaste of all Saints as may appere by his Indenture. 19th September, 1552. Ordered that when any prentise dothe goo awaye from his Mr the same Mr shall bring in his Indenture and here to remayne tyll the prentice come agayne and to be regestred. It was also ordered that the Beadle should make out all Indentures of apprenticeship, and any one else presuming to do so should pay a fine of 3s. 4d. 27th April, 1556. It was ordered that no apprentice should wear a beard of beyond fifteen days’ growth, and that on breach of this order the master of the apprentice was to pay a fine of half a mark. 15th October, 1566. Here in this Court John James the appÑts of John Shryve for pylferyng, & so here he had his correction. 27th May, 1567. Robert Cholmeley complained of his apprentice for yt he doth not his worke as he ought & for his other ill demeanors And so in the p?sents of this Court the saide app?nts humbled hym upon his knees and p?myssed his amendment. 1567. The quarrels between masters and apprentices about this period were numerous, and occupied a great deal of the time of the Court, who in dealing with them generally pursued a policy of reconciliation and made the parties friends again. In certain cases, 22nd August, 1569. Here was Rich Upton Playntyf agaynst his app~nts Wm Fyshe for that he ranne awaye frome his said Mr the xxjth of the former moneth and tooke wth hym s?ten instruments for surgery & other things more, wch p?tyculers were here p?sently sene & by the said Wm Fyshe confessed and that he had no cawse to go frome his said Mr but that he wolde have gon to the sea and accordynge to his desert had correction and punnyshment unto auncyent custom wth roddes. 22nd November, 1569. Memorand? upon the xxijth day of November 1569 in the afternowne Gyles Swalldell thappeÑt? of Chrystofor Swalldell for goyng forth of his maisters house at unlawfull tymes and houres & in evell company wastinge and consumyng his Mrs grocery wares also therebye he the appnt? then had the correction of this hall accordyng to his desert? as the justice & equytie by the Mr & gov?nors thoughte at the request of his said Mr to be most mete and convenient. And so the said Gyles Swalldell appnt? hathe promysed here that he wylbe a good faythfull & trusty servant unto his said Mr and never hereafter offende any more. 1st June, 1570. Here was John thappnt? of Thomas Wayte (for) abusying of Rogr Laborne & his wyfe and his Mr also and he had favorable correction for his offenc?. John possibly thought it rather unfavourable. By the next entry it would appear that Master Ralph Soda found the society of the ladies more congenial to his tastes than the practice of shaving and bloodletting. 15th February, 1572. Here was Henry Lusshe and witnessed how that his app~ntice Rafe Soda ranne awaye ffrom hym and contract hym self to three wemen and was asked at Westmr in the church and also had delt unhonestly wth his mayde sr?vnt. 19th May, 1573. Here was John Newsam and he was appoynted to brynge in his fyne for not p?sentynge his apprentice. Here was John Appowell and he was appoynted the lyke. 9th June, 1573. Here was Olyv? Pecocke the covenaunte S?vaunt of Allen Colly beinge comytted to Warde uppon Wednesday last on Mr Warden Robynsons comaundment for goynge ffrom his master ffrom the Sounday untill Wednesdaye next and he was nowe relesed so that his master paynge his wages he shall serve hym. 21st July, 1573. Pecocke complained to the Court against his master “ffor not well usinge hym in beatinge hym.” The next is a quaint piece of dry humour— 6th October, 1573. Here was an order taken between Danyell Botham and his app?ntice that he should well and trewly s?ve his Mr and not to make any more complainte or trouble the Mrs any more, and yf he do nott s?ve his Mr accordyngly he shall have the Almes of the howsse. The “Alms of the house” were on some other like occasions promised to troublesome apprentices. 18th October, 1573. Here was John Staples and brought in his apprentyze for evyll behavior by hym comytted in his masters house wth his masters mayde and he made his submyssion on his knees and asked his master forgevenes in the courte, and he was forgeven uppon condyc?on that he should amend well & faythfullye wthout farther complaint or elles to have the ponnyshment of the howsse. 11th December, 1599. In the matter in controversie betwixt Juliance Yonge & John Bradley his apprentice it is ordered that the sayd Yonge shall take his sayd apprentice into his service agayne And that the sayd Yonge shall use him as hee oughte to doe And that the sayd apprentice shall well and honestly behave himself towards? his sayd Mr. 22nd January, 1600. This daye Daniell Hinkesman brought in his fine of xls for sufferinge his apprentice to dwell wth a gentleman. This apprentice had probably been let out to hire as a valet by Hinkesman, who received his wages instead of teaching him his trade. 20th February, 1600. Noah Bayley having been complained of for striking his apprentice Andrew Mathew, he was fined 40s., and at the next Court Mathew had license to sue Bayley at the Common law for “breaking his head.” 17th June, 1600. This daye it was ordered that George Langton apprentice to Mr ffrederick shalbe comitted to the compter for his unreverent behaviour towardes his Mr. 7th August, 1600. John Sares is to be called in question for geveinge wages to his apprentice. 2nd December, 1600. This daye uppon complaynt made to this Courte it was ordered that Henry Needham should put awaye his apprentice Willm Webbe for that it was then apparantly p?ved that hee is marryed wthin his terme And it was thereuppon furthr ordered that the p?sentac?on should be discharged by a vacat thereuppon to be entered. 5th May, 1601. This daie the wiefe of Thomas Asbridge decessed did complaine of Marke Nurse her apprentice for absentinge himselfe from her service and other his misdemeanors towardes her All wch uppon his humble suite and promise of amendment was forgeeven him. 16th June, 1601. This daie it is ordered that Thomas Shurwin apprentice to John Urvey shalbe for ever utterly dischardged of his terme of apprentisship for that it appeareth to the Maisters uppon hearinge of their controversie that he hath the said apprentice colorablie. 30th June, 1601. This daye Robert Wallis is dischardged from his apprentiship for that it appeared to this Court that his maister did not mayntayne him wth sufficient meate drynck and apparrell. 22nd September, 1601. This daye uppon complaynt made by —— Jelly apprentice to Hughe ffell that the said ffell had put him oute of his service before hee had acquainted the Mrs therewth It was ordered that the said ffell should receive his said apprentice in to his service againe & that hee should p?sently inroll him. And that the said ffell should appeare before the Mrs at the next Courte. 3rd November, 1601. This daye uppon hearinge of the Controversie betwixt John Howe & his apprentice It is ordered that hee shall take home his said apprentice and use him well hereafter And whereas the said Apprentice hath complayned for that the said Howe dothe not exercyse the said apprentice in his trade of Barbery & Surgery It is furthr ordered that if the said Howe shall not take a shoppe and use his trade before Christemas next that the said apprentice shalbe turned over to anothr of the same arte. 16th March, 1602. This daye it is p?mised & undertaken before the Mrs of this Company by Robert Leadbeater that hee the said Robert shall & will at the expirac?on of the apprentisheep of Henry Edwards his apprentice geve unto the said Henry twoe suites of decent apparrell & a cloke. 20th April, 1602. I Michaell Braye doe p?mise and undertake That at the ende & expirac?on of the tearme of apprenticeship of George Parkins my Apprentice I will geve unto him a new suite of apparrell viz one dublett one p? of hose one hatt one p? of stockins and one Cloke of decent apparrell In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand. 22nd February, 1603. This daye it is ordered that Thomas Mownsley shall for his disobedience to his Mr be comitted to the Compter. 16th April, 1605. This daye Peter Saunderson certiefied the Court that hee had offered to inroll his apprentice before the Chamberlin and it was denyed him because the apprentice could not at the end of his terme accomplishe the Age of xxiij yeres. 4th June, 1605. This daye it is ordered that John Udall shall at the next Courte bringe in his fine of xls for puttinge a waye his Apprentice Tho. Hobbes wth out or Mrs consent (see 18th June). 4th June, 1605. This daye it is ordered that Roger Kiffin shalbe dischardged of his apprentiship wth Richard Bonner for that hee wanteth meate drinck & apparrell And hee is to finde him selfe a nother Mr of this Company. (See 25th June.) 18th June, 1605. This daye it is ordered that John Udall shalbe committed to the Compter for his contempt 25th June, 1605. Richard Bonn?r is to bringe in his apprentices Roger Kiffins Indenture at the next Courte or ells hee is to be comitted to the Compter. 25th June, 1605. This daye Thomas Clemence was fined at xs for that hee was not bound apprentice by the Clark of this Company. 24th September, 1605. This day it is ordered that David Vaughan apprentice to Richard Davis shalbe p?ntlie dischardged from his said Mr for the residue of his terme to come for that his said Mr hath given him unlawfull correction as it was affirmed and hath not trayned him up in the trade that he used being Barbinge and Surgery. And is to bring in the Apprentices indenture att the next Courte or ells to be comitted to the Compter for his contempt. And the app?ntice is in the meane tyme to continue wth his freind? And is not to s?ve any p?son that useth the trade of silck weavinge any more wth in the liberties of London. 7th January, 1606. This day it is ordered that John Browne and his apprentice be here at the next Courte. And he is to be comaunded from our Mrs to discharge his app?ntice out of Bridewell wch he holdeth there And then to be before or said Mrs at their next Court both he and his apprentice. 14th January, 1606. John Browne is to bringe in his fine for puttinge away his app?ntice wthout the Mrs order. 5th July, 1608. This daye in the Controversie betwixt Nicholas Braye and Humfrey Pitt? It is ordered for that the Mrs doe fynde that the Apprentice is not kept as hee ought to be but is lowsie and also his Mr for want of change of apparrell And that therefore wee doe not fynde him a fit Mr It is ordered that if the said Nicholas Braye doe not hereafter use his apprentice in Better Order that then the apprentice shalbe turned over to anothr freeman of this Company. 23rd May, 1609. This daye Richard Tyler broughte in his fine accordinge to a former order for puttinge awaye (i.e., imprisoning) his apprentice wthout the Mrs order And it was mittigated to xxs. 19th November, 1611. At this Court it is ordered that John Todd shall on the next tuesdaies Court bring in his fyne of 40s for that he did not bynde an app?ntice wch is now wth him according to the Custome of this howse. 19th November, 1611. At this Court Robert Hawley the app?ntice of Thomas Clarke was for his stubbornes & other unsemely pranck? by him used toward? his Mr as also for his lewd & bad service brought before the Mrs whereupon he promising of amendemt his fault? was for this tyme remitted. 22nd February, 1613. In the complaint made by William Richardson against his Mr John Sabyn being heard & proved at this Court by his owne confession that Sabyn did use unlawfull correction to his app?ntice. It is ordered that the Mr shall not use hereafter any such unlawfull correction for if he doe & his app?ntice make complaint thereof to the Mrs of this Company, then the app?ntice shall be taken awaye from him And further it is ordered that the app?ntice shall doe his Mr just & true service, And that the said Sabyn shall the next Court daie bring in his fyne for not inrowling of his said app?ntice wthin the tyme lymitted by the ordynanc? of this howse. 22nd February, 1613. This daye Joseph Boreman made promise to p?forme such order as the Mrs did heretofore set downe between him and his app?ntice namely? that he will give to the same app?ntice two suit? of apparell fitt for such an app?ntice accordinge to the true meaning of the same wthout any fraud. 27th September, 1614. At this Court Raph Dixon the app?ntice of our Mr Hassall for manie lewd misdemeanors & for getting a woman wth child, being an app?ntice shold have had the correction of the howse, but upon considerac?on had he is to be sent to bridewell. 23rd January, 1615. In the complaint made by Margery Stokes in the behalf of her grand child John Taft who is th? apprentice of one John Hedlowe for that the said Hedlow haveing receaved wth the said app?ntice the some of Tenn pound? doth now turne him away & refuseth to restore the monie wch he had wth him. It is therefore by this Court ordered that the said Hedlow shall either receave the same app?ntice into his service agayne or otherwise repaie the said some of Tenn poundes wherefore he promised unto this Court to take the same app?ntice agayne into his service. 14th March, 1615. In the matter of complaint made by the weif of one Xp~ofer Greene who is now gone to the East indies of & about her servaunt or app?ntice for that he kepeth her shop & doth gyve her no allowaunce toward? the kepeing of her out of the getting? in the same shop wch being duely herd at this Court It is ordered that the said app?ntice shall from henceforth weekelie make unto his Mris a trew & just accompt of 14th November, 1615. In the complaynt made by the servant of William Corbett against his Mr wch beinge examyned at this Court It is aparyant that the boy hath very stubburnlie & naughtielie behaved himself unto his Mr Whereupon it is this daie ordered that the boy shall goe home agayne wth his Mr & behave himselfe more honestlie then formerlie he hath done wch the boy promiseth to doe. 18th February, 1616. In the complaint made by Mris Wootten against her app?ntice Thomas Hill for his neclect of service & for pleaing at dice & whoring It is therefore ordered that the boy be corrected. 18th February, 1616. In the complaint made by David Richardson against his Mr ffletcher for lack of vittualls It is ordered that ffletcher shall take the boy home & kepe him as an app?ntice ought to be kept. There are several records of masters being fined for keeping more than three apprentices, the usual penalty being £5, though this was sometimes mitigated on petition. 13th June, 1626. This daye John Pinder made complaint against Janson his app?ntice, this Courte caused the vizard and coate to be brought into the Parlor, and the apprentice submitted himselfe to his Maister soe that his punishment was forborne. For some particulars as to the vizard coate and bulbegger, see p.393. The mere sight of them had a softening effect upon Master Janson, as also upon George Tether, who seems to have caught a glimpse of them next year. 7th August, 1627. This daye the weife of Salomon Carr made complaint against her apprentice George Tether formerly bound to Jeffery Baskervile deceased and he had the bulbegger showed him, whoe upon his humble submission to his Mris was spared in hoape of his better service to her hereafter. 20th November, 1632. Martine Stamp made complaint ag~t John Scott by petic?on to this Court thereby intimateing that his son Scotts app?ntice is nowe kept and 28th January, 1635. It is ordered that Jonas Gargrave shalbe prosecuted to be disfraunchised at the charge of this house in regard he tooke a married mann apprentice knoweingly. Mr. Heydon’s apprentice, next referred to, was doubtless a gay and swaggering young gentleman, and the Court in meteing out its amusing sentence must have been conscious of touching him on a sore place. 9th August, 1647. Mr. Heydon complayneing to this Court of his apprentice here present in Court ffor his evill and stubborne Behavior towards him and frequent absences out of his service in Day time and in late houres at night The said apprentice being in Court to answer to the same did rudely and most irreverently behave himselfe towards his said Mr and the whole Court in sawcy language and behaviour useing severall Oathes protesting that he will not serve his Mr whatever shall come of it This Court did therefore cause the Haire of the said apprentice (being undecently long) to be cut shorter. 8th August, 1729. It is ordered that the Clarke do sue Mr. Lee Mr. Pemble and Mr. Bonzer for binding their Apprentices by Scriveners and not at the Hall. 4th August, 1741. It is ordered that James Parnell Stevenson who was this day bound an apprentice to Thos. fford be brought here 12 months hence by his Mar that the Court may be satisfyed of his being better improved in his Learning. 5th November, 1791. Elizabeth Conyers was apprenticed to Elizabeth Castle and presented and bound in Court. This is but one of numerous entries of girl apprentices. The Registers of apprentices were for a long period kept in Latin, e.g.: 28th July, 1658. Mathew Moy fil~l~ M.M. nuper de com~ Staford vintener defunct: pÕ: se ap~p. Tho. Pace Watchmaker pro 7 annis a die dÃt. The following is an example of a boy being bound to a freewoman of the Company. 23rd June, 1658. Daniel Alderson fil~l~ Jacobi A. nuper Civ. et B.S. Londini defunct pÕ: se ap~p. matri suo Katherine Alderson pro 8 annis a die dÃt. And here is an instance of a girl, the daughter of a “gentleman,” being bound to a Barber-Surgeon and to his wife. 18th December, 1660. Katharina Bowghy fi?. Georgii B. de Addley in com~ Stafford gent. defunct pÕ: se ap~p Wmo Bennett B.C. et MarthÆ uxori ejus pro 7 annis a die dÃt. |