The Lithographed Pedigrees of Aylef, Lethieullier, Pen and Proby, having been inserted since this Index was prepared, will not be found here. The names of various obscure individuals have not been indexed. “Biographical notices” are in SMALL CAPITALS. L. M. signifies Lord Mayor. The same name will frequently be found more than once on the same page. alpha-table - A
- Abbott, Sir Maurice, L.M., 357.
- Abraham, Stephen, 327.
- Adair, Serjt., 235.
- Adam, Henry, 96.
- " Thomas, 14, 15.
- Adams, Daniel, 14.
- " John, 14.
- " Sir Richard, 566.
- Alcocke, Nicholas, 527.
- Alcocke, Elizabeth, 527, 528.
- " Margaret, 527.
- " Nicholas, 83, 91, 95, 529.
- " Roger, 528.
- Alderson, Daniel, 270.
- " James, 270.
- " Katherine, 270.
- " Richard, 286.
- Allen, Abraham, 7, 273, 328, 470, 477.
- " Isaac, 494.
- " Thomas, 8, 9, 194, 203, 215, 249, 343, 344, 392, 393, 452, 488.
- Allott, Dr. Robert, 210, 331, 495.
- Alsop, Thomas, 82, 85.
- Alva, Duke of, 556.
- Alwyne, Nicholas, L.M., 71, 72.
- Amcottes, Sir Henry, L.M., 517.
- Amyand, Claudius, 565.
- Amyand, Anna Maria, 566.
- " Anne, 566.
- " Claudius, 11, 18, 228.
- " Claudius, jun., 566.
- " Sir George, Bart., 566.
- " Harriet Mary, 566.
- " Isaac, 565.
- " John, 566.
- " Judith, 566.
- " Mary, 567.
- " Mary Catherine, 566.
- " Thomas, 566.
- Andrews, Michael, 8, 127, 134, 215.
- Andrewes, Dr. Richard, 366.
- " Robert, 305, 490, 504.
- Androwson, John, 170, 424.
- Anger, John, 95.
- ANNE, QUEEN, 150, 490, 492, 500, 505, 513, 563.
- Annis, John, 15.
- Anslow, John, 328.
- Anson, Robert, 69, 70.
- Antonio, John, 331.
- Appleton, Thomas, 4, 96, 173, 289, 302, 303.
- Archenbold, Nicholas, 6, 377.
- Archer, Thomas, 528.
- Arris, Edward, 547.
- Arris, Agnes, 550.
- " Edward, 8, 9, 19, 136, 140, 160, 162, 215, 251, 337, 343, 345, 368, 369, 372, 407, 452, 487, 491, 497, 501, 503, 510, 512, 550, 600.
- " Elizabeth, 550.
- " Jasper, 7, 8, 547, 550.
- " Margaret, 550.
- " Mary, 549, 550.
- " Olivia, 550.
- " Robert, 548, 549, 550.
- " Susan, 550.
- " Thomas, 550.
- " Dr. Thomas, 160, 161, 369, 370, 549, 550.
- Arundell, Archbishop, 48, 49.
- " and Surrey, Earl of, 128.
- " Edward, 4, 5.
- " Thomas, 96.
- Ashton, Thomas, D.D., 566.
- Ashwell, William, 4.
- Atkinson, Charles Howard, 17.
- " John, 5, 6, 15, 95, 170, 238, 463, 465, 484, 485, 500, 505, 506.
- " Joseph, 14.
- " Randolph, 528.
- " Richard James, 17.
- " Thomas, 4.
- Atkyn, Henry, 95.
- Atmer, Lewis, 7, 95, 194, 323, 324, 429, 543, 591.
- Atwood, William, 3.
- Augustinis, De, 86.
- Austin, George, 16, 17, 505.
- " George, jun., 17, 507.
- " Lawrence, 3.
- Awcetter, John, 95, 96.
- Aylef, Sir John, 516.
- Aylef, Alice, 518, 519, 521.
- " Erkynwald, 518, 519, 520, 521.
- " Sir George, 518.
- " Lady Isabel, 89, 178, 518, 520, 521.
- " Sir John, 5, 19, 75, 81, 82, 88, 89, 95.
- " Sir John, jun., 89, 518, 519, 521.
- " Martha, 520.
- " Mary, 518, 519, 521.
- " William, 520.
- B
- Babbidge, Mr., 418.
- Bacon, William, 2.
- Baker, Alexander, 8, 482, 495.
- " Frederick, 16.
- " George, 7, 18, 329, 428, 530, 536, 543, 544, 590.
- Bakon, John, 26.
- Baldwin, Henry, 4, 5.
- Bale, Dr. Charles, 375.
- ?"?Gratian, 10, 11, 305, 306.
- ?"?Nathaniel, 305.
- Balthazar (physician), 86.
- Balthrop, Robert, 528.
- Balthrop, Dorothy, 530.
- ??"?? Richard, 530.
- ??"?? Robert, 6, 18, 316, 404, 440, 523, 527, 528.
- ??"?? William, 530.
- Bamber, John, 254, 345.
- Banckes (Banks, &c.), James, 5, 308.
- ??"??John, 4, 5, 95, 169, 211, 219, 383, 398, 481, 494, 512.
- ??"??Thomas, 6, 7, 189, 481, 494, 574.
- Bancks, Sir John, 478.
- Banester, John, 95.
- Banks, Dr. R., 377.
- Barber, K., 5.
- ?"??Thomas, 6.
- ?"??Alice le, 27.
- ?"??Johanna le, 25.
- ?"??Katherine le, 25, 257.
- ?"??Richard le, 1, 23, 24, 25, 242, 257, 402.
- ?"??Hamo the, 27.
- ?"??Lawrence the, 26.
- ?"??Nicholas the, 27.
- ?"??Ralph the, 2
g@html@files@49011@49011-h@49011-h-30.htm.html#Page_543" class="pginternal">543, 590.
- Borrell, William, 96.
- Borrett, Samuel, 307.
- Bosberry, Ralph de, 257.
- Bost, Henry, 591.
- Botelier, John, 4, 71.
- Botham, Daniel, 591.
- Bourne, Thomas, 396.
- Bovey, Ralph, 7, 494, 543.
- ?"??William, 6, 316, 538.
- Bowden, Thomas, 9, 215, 337, 338, 341, 342, 343, 344, 490, 501.
- Bowghy, George, 270.
- ??"??Katherine, 270.
- Bowlden, Nicholas, 324, 325.
- Bowle, Richard, 5, 95, 169, 426.
- Boxley, Edward, 12, 163, 597, 598.
- Boyvell, Thomas, 1, 402.
- Brabanzon, Roger le, 256.
- Bradley, Henry, 6, 591.
- Brampton, John, 2.
- Branton, John, 2.
- Brass, William, 507.
- Braswell, John, 96.
- Braye, William, 591.
- Brett, Elizabeth, 545.
- ?"?Robert, 545.
- Brian, George, 4.
- Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, 411.
- Bridges, Thomas, 12.
- Brightmore, Richard, 3.
- Brightwelton, George, 96.
- Bristolle, John de, 27.
- Brock, Thomas, 16.
- Brode, William, 591.
- Bromefeld, Lewis, 96.
- Bromfield, William, 377.
- Bromley, Humfrey, 333.
- Brooke, Henry, 2.
- Brooks, James, 9, 10.
- ??"??John, 164, 165.
- ??"??Major, 144, 414.
- Brothers, Nicholas, 334, 398.
- ?"??Robert, 437, 441.
- ?"??Thomas, 352.
- Cooper, Joseph, 453.
- ??"??Richard, 7, 8, 208, 249, 450.
- Corbet, William, 327.
- Cornewall, Catherine, 566.
- ??"??Sir George, Bart., 566.
- ??"??Velters, 566.
- Cornish, Edward Charles, 17, 507.
- ??"??James, 16.
- ??"??James Cope, 17.
- Corron, George, 6, 281, 440, 493.
- Cosins (See Cousins).
- Cosmo and Damian, Saints, 68, 433, 434.
- Cotes, Mrs. W.J., 569.
- Cotesworth, William, 11, 154.
- Cotton, John, 330.
- ??"??Lawrence, 8, 213, 215, 250, 367.
- ??"??Randall, 591.
- ??"??Thomas, 12, 163, 483.
- ??"??W.J. R., L.M., 572.
- “Country Tom,” 134.
- Cousins, Joseph, 11, 225, 226.
- Coweye, Edward, 591.
- Cowper, William, 568.
- ??"??William, Lord, 150.
- Coxe, Leonard, 6, 7, 184, 543.
- Cragell, John, 96.
- Cranfield, Sir Lionel, 92.
- Cranmer, Archbishop, 85.
- Crawford, Earl of, 562.
- Croidon, Roger de, 27.
- Cromer, Dr. Walter, 86.
- Cromwell, Oliver, 143, 407, 408.
- Crooke, Dr., 332.
- Crosby, Bartholomew, 3.
- Crosse, Mary, 140, 496, 497.
- ??"?Symon, 473.
- Crouch, Symon, 217.
- Crowe, William, 91.
- Edwards, Joel, 15.
- ??"??John, 447, 529, 530, 531, 532.
- Edwin, Sir Humphey, L.M., 560.
- Edwin, Charles, 560, 561.
- ?"??Sir Humphry, L.M., 10, 19, 221.
- ?"??Humphry, jun., 560.
- ?"??John, 562.
- ?"??Mary, 560.
- ?"??Samuel, 560, 561.
- ?"??Thomas, 560.
- ?"??William, 560.
- ELIZABETH, QUEEN, 87, 92, 102, 103, 108, 109, 121, 313, 398, 439, 440, 543.
- Ellenborough, Lord, 237.
- Ellesmere, Lord, 116, 121.
- Elliot, Alexander, 592.
- ?"??(Elyott), Richard, 5, 95, 170.
- Emberson, Thomas, 16.
- Emerton, Robert, 13, 14, 504, 507.
- Enderby, John, 4, 5, 95, 169, 172.
- Erwin, James, 349.
- Essex, Earl of, 107.
- Essington, Thomas, 12.
- Evans, Edward, 303.
- ?"??Henry, 16.
- ?"??Richard, 548.
- ?"??William, 13.
- Eve, Thomas, 591.
- Evelyn, John, 139.
- Exeter, Bishop of, 88.
- F
- Fairfax, Sir Thomas, 142, 405.
- Fane, Sir Thomas, 515.
- Farendon, Sir Nicholas de, 24, 256.
- Farmer, January, 11, 486, 567.
- Farre, James, 9.
- Fauconer, Thomas, L.M., 13.
- Hart, John, 14.
- Harte, Hugh, 2, 3.
- Harvard, Elizabeth, 519.
- Harvey, James, 16.
- ?"??Richard, 11.
- ?"??William, 436, 440, 442.
- ?"??Dr. William, 336.
- Harvie, John, 9.
- Haryot, Sir William, L.M., 61.
- Haselhurst, Henry, 4.
- Hassall, John, 7, 206, 267, 273.
- Hastyngs, Robert, 96.
- Hathorne, William, 591.
- Hatley, Ralph, 10
- Hatton, Christopher, 336.
- Havers, Dr. Clopton, 373.
- Hawkes, John, 425, 591.
- Hawkins, Sir CÆsar, Bart., 571.
- ??"?????"????, 18, 377, 570.
- ??"??CÆsar, 571.
- ??"??CÆsar Henry, 572.
- ??"??Charles, 572.
- ??"??Pennell, 572.
- Hawley, Sir Thomas, 517.
- Haydon, John, 1.
- Hayes, Robert, 11.
- Hayles, William, 2.
- Haynes, Christopher, 95.
- Haysie, John, 6, 7.
- Hayward (Haward, Heyward, &c.), John, 12, 157, 159.
- ??"????"??Richard, 3, 4, 71, 211.
- ??"????"??Richard, jun., 211.
- Heath, Nicholas, 8, 134, 136, 142, 215, 367, 405.
- ?"??Sir Robert, 131.
- Heaps, John, 16, 307.
- Helton, George, 105.
- Hemp, James, 15.
- ?"??William, 15, 16.
- Henlye, Philip, 591.
- HENRY V, 50.
- ?"??VII, 433.
- ?"??VIII, 75, 84, 470, 515.
- JAMES II, 26.
- Michell, John, L.M., 43.
- Middelton, Henry, 4, 76.
- Pegott, Philip, 96.
- Peirce, James, 561.
- Peirse, William, 13.
- Pelham, Martyn, 324.
- Pemarton, Henry, 273.
- Pemberton, Sir Francis, 145.
- ??"??Henry, 5, 95, 169.
- ??"??John, 215.
- Pembroke, Earl of, 139.
- Pen, John, 525.
- Pen, Dorothy, 526.
- ?"?Elen, 526.
- ?"?Elizabeth, 526.
- ?"?Gyles, 526.
- ?"?John, 5, 19, 75, 81, 83, 90, 91, 95.
- ?"?Robert, 525, 526.
- ?"?Thomas, 526.
- ?"?William, 527.
- Pengrove, Daniel, 464, 465.
- Penton, Richard, 464, 465.
- Peny, Gyles, 526.
- Pepys, John, 12, 163.
- ?"??Samuel, 92, 143, 373, 412, 413, 499, 500, 552.
- Perkins, John, 9, 136, 452.
- Perrine, George, 334, 540.
- Perrott, Abraham, 275, 491, 503.
- Perse, William, 9, 10.
- Pet, Commissioner, 373.
- Peterson, Robert, 591.
- Petoe, Marshall, 211, 398.
- Petrol, Gabriel, 271.
- Petty, William, 12, 155, 228.
- Pewall, William, 3.
- PHILIP II, 313.
- PHILLIP & MARY, 100.
- Phillipps, John, 592.
- Phillips, Mr., 275, 411
" class="pginternal">15, 16, 237.
- ??"??Humphrey, 188.
- Rowley, Raphe, 321.
- Rowney, Thomas, 14.
- Ruff, Edward, 16.
- Ruffiniac, Dr. Guy, 376.
- Russell, George, 13.
- ??"??John, 324.
- Ruston, William, 17, 504.
- Rutland, Earl of, 515.
- Rutter, Samuel, 12, 163, 232, 597, 598.
- Rutty, Dr. William, 374, 375.
- Rycraft, Francis, 473.
- Ryggewyk, William, 2.
- Ryley, William, 128.
- Rymmer, William, 9.
11@49011-h@49011-h-18.htm.html#Page_324" class="pginternal">324. Swedenham, Richard, 68. Swift, Dean, 564. Swithin, Richard, 12, 163, 597, 598. Syddon, William, 292. Sygans, Richard, 527. Symmonds, Joshua, 376. Symonds, Thomas, 10. Symons, Thomas, 271. Sympson, William, 591. Symsyn, William, 96. Syward, John, 257. - T
- Tatham, John, 552.
- Tavernor, William, 272.
- Tayler, John, 4, 68.
- ?"??Richard, 4, 5, 95.
- Taylour, William, 378, 529.
- Terne, Dr. Christopher, 373.
- Terrill, Robert, 215.
- Terry, Elizabeth, 574.
- Tettisbury, Baldwin, 41.
- Theobald, James, 12, 163, 233.
- ??"??Peter, 12, 163.
- Thickness, Ralph, 9.
- Tholmwood, John, 95, 170.
- ???"???Richard, 5, 6, 95, 186.
- ???"???Thomas, 384.
- Thompson, Robert, 322.
- ??"???Thomas, 14.
- Thomlyn, William, 178.
- Thorn, Warman, 15.
- Thornbury, John, 61.
- ??"???Richard, 61.
- ??"???Walter, 61.
- Thornebury, Richard, 8, 248.
- Thorney, Peter, 539.
- Thorney, Thomas, 538.
- Thorney, Ann, 540.
- ??"??Annie, 539.
- ??"??Elizabeth, 540.
- ??"??Peter, 209, 334, 493, 538, 539.
- ??"??Thomas, 7, 193, 194, 206, 286, 322, 169.
- Waterhouse, Edward, 8.
- Wateson, Henry, 8, 136, 452, 509.
- ??"??Richard, 8, 136, 139, 140, 141, 215, 367, 452.
- Watson, Thomas, 324.
- ?"??William, 9, 215, 342, 343.
- Watkins, William, 11, 306, 307.
- Watts, Dr., 376.
- ?"?John, 12.
- Wayte, Thomas, 7, 591.
- Waystbe, John, 2.
- Webb, Roger, 2.
- Welfed, William, 96.
- Wells, John, 307.
- ?"?Joseph, 14, 307.
- ?"?Thomas, 315.
- Wellys, Richard, 2, 41.
- Wench, Thomas, 5.
- Wengrave, John de, 24.
- Went, Richard, 4.
- Wenyard, George, 96.
- West, John, 6, 96, 170, 177, 424.
- Westbrooke, Robert, 9.
- Western, Abraham, 16.
- Weston, Lawrence de, 1, 27, 35, 36.
- ??"??Margaret de, 27.
- Wetyngton, William, 95.
- Wevir, Robert, 96.
- Weymouth, Lord, 563.
- Wharton, Thomas, 15.
- Wheatley, Andrew, 8, 274, 393.
- Wheeler, John, 12, 295.
- ??"??Joseph, 159, 164, 295, 296, 359, 360.
- Wheelis, Henry, 271.
- Whetelye, John, 591.
- Whiston (Bookseller), 231, 232,
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