Canto I. NArad. 7
Canto II. BrahmA's Visit
Canto III. The Argument.
Canto IV. The Rhapsodists.
Canto V. AyodhyA.
Canto VI. The King.
Canto VII. The Ministers.
Canto VIII. Sumantra's Speech.
Canto IX. Rishyasring.
Canto X. Rishyasring Invited.
Canto XI. The Sacrifice Decreed.
Canto XII. The Sacrifice Begun.
Canto XIII. The Sacrifice Finished.
Canto XIV. RAvan Doomed.
Canto XV. The Nectar.
Canto XVI. The VAnars.
Canto XVII. Rishyasring's Return.
Canto XVIII. Rishyasring's Departure.
Canto XIX. The Birth Of The Princes.
Canto XX. VisvAmitra's Visit.
Canto XXI. VisvAmitra's Speech.
Canto XXII. Dasaratha's Speech.
Canto XXIII. Vasishtha's Speech.
Canto XXIV. The Spells.
Canto XXV. The Hermitage Of Love.
Canto XXVI. The Forest Of TAdakA.
Canto XXVII. The Birth Of TAdakA.
Canto XXVIII. The Death Of TAdakA.
Canto XXIX. The Celestial Arms.
Canto XXX. The Mysterious Powers. 166
Canto XXXI. The Perfect Hermitage.
Canto XXXII. VisvAmitra's Sacrifice.
Canto XXXIII. The Sone.
Canto XXXIV. Brahmadatta.
Canto XXXV. VisvAmitra's Lineage.
Canto XXXVI. The Birth Of GangA.
Canto XXXIX. The Sons Of Sagar.
Canto XL. The Cleaving Of The Earth.
Canto XLI. Kapil.
Canto XLII. Sagar's Sacrifice.
Canto XLIII. BhagIrath.
Canto XLIV. The Descent Of GangA.
Canto XLV. The Quest Of The Amrit.
Canto XLVI. Diti's Hope.
Canto XLVII. Sumati.
Canto XLVIII. Indra And AhalyA
Canto XLIX. AhalyA Freed.
Canto L. Janak.
Canto LI. VisvAmitra.
Canto LII. Vasishtha's Feast.
Canto LIII. VisvAmitra's Request.
Canto LIV. The Battle.
Canto LV. The Hermitage Burnt.
Canto LVI. VisvAmitra's Vow.
Canto LVII. Trisanku.
Canto LVIII. Trisanku Cursed.
Canto LIX. The Sons Of Vasishtha.
Canto LX. Trisanku's Ascension.
Canto LXI. Sunahsepha.
Canto LXII. AmbarIsha's Sacrifice.
Canto LXIII. MenakA.
Canto LXIV. RambhA.
Canto LXV. VisvAmitra's Triumph
Canto LXVI. Janak's Speech.
Canto LXVII. The Breaking Of The Bow.
Canto LXVIII. The Envoys' Speech.
Canto LXIX. Dasaratha's Visit.
Canto LXX. The Maidens Sought.
Canto LXXI. Janak's Pedigree.
Canto LXXII. The Gift Of Kine.
Canto LXXIII. The Nuptials.
Canto LXXIV. RAma With The Axe. 254
Canto LXXV. The Parle.
Canto LXXVI. Debarred From Heaven.
Canto LXXVII. Bharat's Departure.
Canto I. The Heir Apparent.
Canto II. The People's Speech.
Canto III. Dasaratha's Precepts.
Canto IV. RAma Summoned.
Canto V. RAma's Fast.
Canto VI. The City Decorated.
Canto VII. MantharA's Lament.
Canto VIII. MantharA's Speech.
Canto IX. The Plot.
Canto X. Dasaratha's Speech.
Canto XI. The Queen's Demand.
Canto XII. Dasaratha's Lament.
Canto XIII. Dasaratha's Distress.
Canto XIV. RAma Summoned.
Canto XV. The Preparations.
Canto XVI. RAma Summoned.
Canto XVII. RAma's Approach.
Canto XVIII. The Sentence.
Canto XIX. RAma's Promise.
Canto XX. KausalyA's Lament.
Canto XXI. KausalyA Calmed.
Canto XXII. Lakshman Calmed.
Canto XXIII. Lakshman's Anger.
Canto XXIV. KausalyA Calmed.
Canto XXV. KausalyA's Blessing.
Canto XXVI. Alone With SItA.
Canto XXVII. SItA's Speech.
Canto XXVIII. The Dangers Of The Wood.
Canto XXIX. SItA's Appeal.
Canto XXX. The Triumph Of Love.
Canto XXXI. Lakshman's Prayer.
Canto XXXII. The Gift Of The Treasures.
Canto XXXIII. The People's Lament.
Canto XXXIV. RAma In The Palace.
Canto XXXV. KaikeyI Reproached.
Canto XXXVI. SiddhArth's Speech.
Canto XXXVII. The Coats Of Bark.
Canto XXXVIII. Care For KausalyA
Canto XXXIX. Counsel To SItA.
Canto XL. RAma's Departure.
Canto XLI. The Citizens' Lament.
Canto XLII. Dasaratha's Lament.
Canto XLIII. KausalyA's Lament.
Canto XLIV. SumitrA's Speech.
Canto XLV. The TamasA.
Canto XLVI. The Halt.
Canto XLVII. The Citizens' Return.
Canto XLVIII. The Women's Lament.
Canto XLIX. The Crossing Of The Rivers.
Canto L. The Halt Under The IngudI. 322
Canto LI. Lakshman's Lament.
Canto LII. The Crossing Of GangA.
Canto LIII. RAma's Lament.
Canto LIV. BharadvAja's Hermitage.
Canto LV. The Passage Of YamunA.
Canto LVI. ChitrakÚta
Canto LVII. Sumantra's Return.
Canto LVIII. RAma's Message.
Canto LIX. Dasaratha's Lament.
Canto LX. KausalyA Consoled.
Canto LXI. KausalyA's Lament.
Canto LXII. Dasaratha Consoled.
Canto LXIII. The Hermit's Son.
Canto LXIV. Dasaratha's Death.
Canto LXV. The Women's Lament.
Canto LXVI. The Embalming.
Canto LXVII. The Praise Of Kings.
Canto LXVIII. The Envoys.
Canto LXIX. Bharat's Dream.
Canto LXX. Bharat's Departure.
Canto LXXI. Bharat's Return.
Canto LXXII. Bharat's Inquiry.
Canto LXXIII. KaikeyI Reproached.
Canto LXXIV. Bharat's Lament.
Canto LXXV. The Abjuration.
Canto LXXVI. The Funeral.
Canto LXXVII. The Gathering Of The Ashes.
Canto LXXVIII. MantharA Punished.
Canto LXXIX. Bharat's Commands.
Canto LXXX. The Way Prepared.
Canto LXXXI. The Assembly.
Canto LXXXII. The Departure.
Canto LXXXIII. The Journey Begun.
Canto LXXXIV. Guha's Anger.
Canto LXXXV. Guha And Bharat.
Canto LXXXVI. Guha's Speech.
Canto LXXXVII. Guha's Story.
Canto LXXXVIII. The IngudI Tree.
Canto LXXXIX. The Passage Of GangA.
Canto XC. The Hermitage.
Canto XCI. BharadvAja's Feast.
Canto XCII. Bharat's Farewell.
Canto XCIII. ChitrakÚta In Sight.
Canto XCIV. ChitrakÚta.
Canto XCV. MandAkinI.
Canto XCVI. The Magic Shaft. 374
Canto XCVII. Lakshman's Anger.
Canto XCVIII. Lakshman Calmed.
Canto XCIX. Bharat's Approach.
Canto C. The Meeting.
Canto CI. Bharata Questioned.
Canto CII. Bharat's Tidings.
Canto CIII. The Funeral Libation.
Canto CIV. The Meeting With The Queens.
Canto CV. RAma's Speech.
Canto CVI. Bharat's Speech.
Canto CVII. RAma's Speech.
Canto CVIII. JAvAli's Speech.
Canto CIX. The Praises Of Truth.
Canto CX. The Sons Of IkshvAku. 389
Canto CXI. Counsel To Bharat.
Canto CXII. The Sandals.
Canto CXIII. Bharat's Return.
Canto CXIV. Bharat's Departure.
Canto CXV. NandigrAm. 398
Canto CXVI. The Hermit's Speech.
Canto CXVII. AnasÚyA.
Canto CXVIII. AnasÚyA's Gifts.
Canto CXIX. The Forest.
Canto I. The Hermitage.
Canto II. VirAdha.
Translated into English Verse
Ralph T. H. Griffith, M.A.
Principal of the Benares College
London: TrÜbner & Co.
Benares: E. J. Lazarus and Co.