Dictionary 1. ( n.) A drama, either tragic or comic, of which music forms an essential part; a drama wholly or mostly sung, consisting of recitative, arials, choruses, duets, trios, etc., with orchestral accompaniment, preludes, and interludes, together with appropriate costumes, scenery, and action; a lyric drama. 2. (n.) The score of a musical drama, either written or in print; a play set to music. 3. (n.) The house where operas are exhibited. 4. (n.) Plural of Opus
Thesaurus Broadway musical Elizabethan theater Globe Theatre Grand Guignol Greek theater Passion play Singspiel Tom show amphitheater antimasque arena theater arrangement artifact audience success auditorium ballad opera ballet ballet divertissement bomb brainchild broadcast drama burlesque show cabaret charade child chorus show circle theater cliff hanger closet drama club coinage comedy ballet comedy drama comic opera composition concert hall concoction copy creation creature critical success crowning achievement dance drama daytime serial dialogue distillation documentary drama draft drama dramalogue dramatic play dramatic series duodrama duologue edition effect end product epic theater essence experimental theater extract extravaganza failure flop fruit gasser giveaway grand opera hall handiwork happening hit hit show house hymnal hymnbook improvisational drama instrumental score invention issue legitimate drama libretto light opera little theater lute tablature lyric drama manufacture masque masterpiece masterwork melodrama minstrel minstrel show mintage miracle miracle play monodrama monologue morality morality play music music drama music hall music paper music roll musical musical comedy musical notation musical revue musical score musical stage musical theater mystery mystery play new mintage night spot nightclub notation offspring opera ballet opera bouffe opera buffa opera house opera score operetta opus opuscule orchestral score origination outcome outdoor theater outgrowth pageant panel show pantomime part pastoral pastoral drama piano score piece play playhouse playlet problem play product production psychodrama quiz show radio drama result review revue score sensational play serial sheet music short score show showboat sitcom situation comedy sketch skit soap soap opera sociodrama song-and-dance act song-play songbook songster spectacle stage play stage show straight drama success suspense drama tablature tableau tableau vivant talk show teleplay television drama television play text theater theater of cruelty theater-in-the-round theatron total theater transcript transcription variety show vaudeville vaudeville show vehicle version vocal score word-of-mouth success work written music |